Pop Culture


Movie Reviews: Recent Releases

Bob is joined with his wife, Dana Siegel, to discuss/review recent movie releases including, The Rise of Skywalker, Jumanji-The Next Level, 1917, Little Women, Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood and Cats. Other Topics: -Bob and Dana…

Christmas Books, Drawings, and Films

Dana Siegel co-hosts with Bob. Together, they interview Ray Christensen, illustrator of The Dangerous Christmas Ornament Coloring Book, a companion piece to Bob’s novel. For several years now, Bob Siegel’s novel,The Dangerous Christmas Ornament, has been…

The Latest Insane Democratic Platform

Bob gives serious, passionate commentary on the ever leftward direction of  those Democrats seeking the presidency in 2020 including issues such as; late term abortion/infanticide, abolishing the electoral college, lowering the voting age, Supreme Court…

Predictions: 2019

Co-host Jim Berrier joins Bob to make projections for the year 2019, predictions in politics, movies, and sports. Also: Bob tackles the popular but misled statement that  “border walls are immoral and God does not…

Annual Special: Best and Worst Holiday Movies

Repeat broadcast Original air date: 12-9-12 Bob reviews his favorite and least favorite holiday movies including, Miracle on 34th Street, It’s A Wonderful Life, Scrooge, Babes in Toyland, A Christmas Story, Home Alone, Jingle All the Way, How…

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Special Wedding Celebration Show

A lighter show, a fun show, and a personal show, Bob and co-host Dana Wright (soon to be Dana Siegel) celebrate their forthcoming wedding with music (both serious and satirical) and stories of how they…

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Special Christmas Show

In a repeat broadcast of a favorite radio show which first aired December of 2007, singer, songwriter Sylvia Lange shares her testimony and her music. Sylvia’s uncle is Hugh Martin, famous for composing the hit…

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Navigating Disneyland

Co-host Dana Wright joins Bob for a program about Disneyland. Specific topics: -Advice is offered to people on tight budgets so that they can discover inexpensive ways to enjoy this special theme park -Favorite rides…