Debate: Homosexuality and Christianity
Repeat broadcast: Original air date: 4-19-15 Less of a debate and more of a respectful discussion, Bob’s guest is Justin Lee, head of the Gay Christian Network. Justin made clear that GCN holds a wide…
Repeat broadcast: Original air date: 4-19-15 Less of a debate and more of a respectful discussion, Bob’s guest is Justin Lee, head of the Gay Christian Network. Justin made clear that GCN holds a wide…
A lighter show, a fun show, and a personal show, Bob and co-host Dana Wright (soon to be Dana Siegel) celebrate their forthcoming wedding with music (both serious and satirical) and stories of how they…
Bob speaks about the new ruling legalizing same-sex marriage. He critiques the decision in the usual style of his radio show; a passionate, animated way but NOT a hateful way. On the contrary, Bob shows…
Bob spends the majority of the program talking about Jephtath, who promised God in a vow that if God gave him victory, he would sacrifice the first thing he sees upon returning home. Obviously he…
Film critic Mark Bubien joins Bob for a review of Jurassic World, exploring some of the important themes such as the arrogance of science and the question the original novel’s author Michael Crichton raised: Just…
Co-host Greg Jarvis joins Bob for a discussion about various questions people ask about Christianity, questions originating from; sincere seekers, or people who are hoping there are no answers so as to continue justifying a…
Every few years, Bob reviews his testimony, the story of how he converted to Christianity out of a Jewish family. Today Bob tells the story again but with extended detail.
Several questions relating to the Virgin Birth are discussed: 1) Can we even take a miracle like that seriously in an age of science? 2) Why do Matthew and Luke present contradictory genealogies of Jesus?…
Bob continues a series that began on last week’s program. The following Biblical people are corroborated from ancient historians who wrote on or around the same time as the New Testament: -Pontius Pilate -James, the…
Bob draws a distinction between making fun of another religion just for the sake of being cruel and taking a stand against threats and violence through the use of satire. Other topics: Current Events: -Obama’s…
Film critic Mark Bubien reviews the latest Avengers sequel and then goes on to discuss the much anticipated Star Wars 7. Mark also describes his recent experience at Star Wars Celebration, a convention in the style of…
Co-host Greg Jarvis and Bob talk about how obeying God FOLLOWS salvation and how often Christians “put the cart before the horse.”
Less of a debate and more of a respectful discussion, Bob’s guest is Justin Lee, head of the Gay Christian Network. Justin made clear that GCN holds a wide array of opinion on the topic…
Repeat broadcast: Original air date: 11-30-14 Bob’s guest is Dana Wright (familiar to the audience as one of Bob’s rotating co-hosts) Dana talks about healing and forgiveness relating it specifically to the subject of abortion….
Repeat broadcast: Original air date 9-14-14 Bob discusses, not only the credibility of the New Testament, but other writers and historians of the ancient world who testified to Jesus’ life, death, miracles and resurrection. The…
Bob talks about the difference between being sinful and being evil. While the sinful nature is completely evil, human beings also have a conscience or good side of their nature. Those who want to deal…
Bob examines the situation in the Middle East focusing on a correction of certain falsehoods: It is not true that there were “Palestinians” living in Israel since ancient times only to be displaced by European…
Film critic Mark Bubien and Bob review recent Oscar winners. Although these were movies honored in the 2015 awards ceremony, the nominations and winners were for films produced and released in the year 2014. Critical…
Bob does a detailed study of how Scripture defines The Kingdom of God, both in its present and future incarnations. Co-host Dana Wright joins Bob for the last two segments with her own take on…
Bob and co-host Greg Jarvis discuss the phenomenon of Christians putting people on pedestals to the point where they depend more upon people than God. This includes their own pastors, celebrities and even heroes of…