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Debate: Homosexuality and Christianity

Repeat broadcast: Original air date: 4-19-15 Less of a debate and more of a respectful discussion, Bob’s guest is Justin Lee, head of the Gay Christian Network. Justin made clear that GCN holds a wide…

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Special Wedding Celebration Show

A lighter show, a fun show, and a personal show, Bob and co-host Dana Wright (soon to be Dana Siegel) celebrate their forthcoming wedding with music (both serious and satirical) and stories of how they…

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Why Christ HAD To Be Born of a Virgin

Several questions relating to the Virgin Birth are discussed: 1) Can we even take a miracle like that seriously in an age of science? 2) Why do Matthew and Luke present contradictory genealogies of Jesus?…

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Movie Review: Avengers: Age Of Ultron

Film critic Mark Bubien reviews the latest Avengers sequel and then goes on to discuss the much anticipated Star Wars 7. Mark also describes his recent experience at Star Wars Celebration, a convention in the style of…

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Healing and Forgiveness From Abortion

Repeat broadcast: Original air date: 11-30-14 Bob’s guest is Dana Wright (familiar to the audience as one of Bob’s rotating co-hosts) Dana talks about healing and forgiveness relating it specifically to the subject of abortion….

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Critique of 2014 Academy Award Winners

Film critic Mark Bubien and Bob review recent Oscar winners.  Although these were movies honored in the 2015 awards ceremony, the nominations and winners were for films produced and released in the year 2014. Critical…