
Inconsistent P.C. Narratives

Bob’s special guest is syndicated radio talk show host Michael Hausam, whose  program; HausRules With Michael Hausam, can be heard across the country. Michael joins Bob for the second half of the broadcast. The primary topic (both…

Debriefing the Election Results

Co-host Mike Fredenburg joins Bob to discuss the aftermath of the election. Topics include: -How the polls were so wrong and why Mike accurately predicted the results -The protest riots breaking out all over the…

white house

Evidence That The Election Goes To Trump

Co-host and political journalist Mike Fredenburg looks at the map, the trends and the latest polls, making a projection that Donald Trump will win the 2016 presidential election. As advertised on The Bob Siegel Show:…

Why Does God Allow Suffering? Part Three

Bob’s conclusion of his series on suffering commences about one quarter into the program: Other topics: Theology: -Does the Bible really command us never to judge? Politics: -Global Warming being blamed for east coast hurricane…

jesus cross

False Ideas Commonly Found in Churches

Co-host Jim Berrier and Gary Young (who together with Jim once hosted a program called Resistance Radio in San Antonio Texas) join Bob in a challenge for fellow Christians to study for themselves in determining…