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The Integrity of the Bible

Is history really written by the victors? Do nations whitewash their own history, making themselves look good? Sometimes this is the case, but not as often as is frequently taught. Meanwhile, for anyone so concerned,…

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Archaeology Confirms The Bible

Bob goes through many findings that confirm people and events of the Bible in the both the Old and New Testaments: A sample of topics discussed: -Evidence for the location of the parting of the…

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More Of Jesus In Ancient History

Bob continues a discussion that he started on a previous program (9-14-14) examining the reports of Jesus from secular ancient sources such as Tacitus, Thallus, Pliny the Younger, Lucian of Samosata, and Mara Bar Cyprian….

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Student of Jesus or Disciple of Jesus?

Co-host Greg Jarvis raises questions about the true nature of discipleship. What does it really mean to be a disciple of Christ? And since Christ commanded His people to make disciples, is this something the…

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Buddhism and Christianity: A Comparison

Co-host Kevin Conover joins Bob for an interview with Chokyi Kelsang, a Buddhist nun. A friendly, respectful discussion, some of the inherent inconsistencies of Buddhism are nevertheless brought up by Kevin and Bob.

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Charles Darwin Was Not An Atheist

Contrary to what many think, Bob shows that Charles Darwin was not an atheist by reading some quotations from Darwin. Bob also discusses an account, (disputed by some, corroborated by others) in which Darwin turned…

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The Myth of the Professional Minister

In this all theology show, Bob deals with 3 important questions: -Does the Bible encourage “professional” ministers?” -Is the Bible filled with hidden and secret meaning that can only be deciphered by the Holy Spirit?…

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A Christian Mom’s Journey

Bob’s guest is a Christian mother who shares her struggles upon hearing that her grown son calls himself gay. Without condoning the lifestyle, she continues to love her son unconditionally and wants to help other…

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How To Interpret the Parables of Jesus

Continuing a discussion which challenges the idea that the Bible is mysterious and difficult to understand, Bob shows how New Testament parables are actually quite easy to decipher. Other Topics: Christianity: -The Bible Code -Fundamentals…