Articles by Bob Siegel

Why Does God Allow Suffering? Part Three

Bob’s conclusion of his series on suffering commences about one quarter into the program: Other topics: Theology: -Does the Bible really command us never to judge? Politics: -Global Warming being blamed for east coast hurricane…

jesus cross

False Ideas Commonly Found in Churches

Co-host Jim Berrier and Gary Young (who together with Jim once hosted a program called Resistance Radio in San Antonio Texas) join Bob in a challenge for fellow Christians to study for themselves in determining…

Hillary Clinton: Above the Law?

Co-host Jim Berrier joins Bob for a discussion of politicians, especially Hillary Clinton, but also Obama,  maintaining a separate set of standards for themselves. Jim’s theme for the show: “Law without sanction is just advice.”

white house

The Enabling of Hillary Clinton

Former California State Assemblyman Steve Baldwin joins Bob for a deeper look into the underreported corruption of Hillary Clinton and offers a passionate warning to American voters about what will happen if she gets into…

Debriefing GOP Convention

Bob is joined by co-host Mike Fredenburg. Together they discuss the GOP convention, the “Never Trump” movement and other related issues.

Forgotten Words of our Forefathers

Co-host Jim Berrier joins Bob for a discussion about the current unstable climate in America, contrasting today’s politicians with the framers of our Declaration of Independence and Constitution.