What Does the Bible Mean When It Says Faith Without Works is Dead?

Co-host Jim Berrier joins Bob for a discussion on the balance between receiving Christ as both Lord and Savior. They begin with a passage from Matthew 7 in which Jesus warns that not everybody who calls himself/herself a  follower of His would enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Questions asked and explored:

-Do religious works such as preaching and the performance of miracles indicate salvation if done apart from a genuine relationship with Jesus?

-Can one be truly saved if they ignore the poor and needy?

-On the other hand, can one minister to the poor and needy without the love of Christ and still not be saved?

Other Topics:

-What does the Bible mean when it quotes God saying “Jacob I loved but Esau I hated?


-Jim and Bob discuss Trump and Cruz, whether the men are living up to Christian or conservative ideals.

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