Originally published by Communities Digital News
SAN DIEGO, October 2, 2015 —Two names are big in the news this morning. Ironically, one of those names will not be shared in the column you are reading at the moment. Not that the name isn’t easy to find. Many other news articles and columns are plastering the name everywhere so if you feel it’s important, go find it. But the name will not be shared by me.
The other name however will be shared.
First the man behind the unnamed name: He’s the shooter at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, who according to early reports, killed at least 9 people and wounded many others. Thanks to the police, the gunman is now also dead. From what the police have uncovered so far, this maniac was an apparent copycat shooter, an admirer of other assassins who went from anonymity to infamy over night.
According to CBS News, on-line posts that belong to the assailant refer to several previous massacres that gained news headlines including the Virginia murder of a reporter and cameraman by Vester Lee Flanagan II .
“I have noticed that so many people like [Flanagan] are alone and unknown, yet when they spill a little blood, the whole world knows who they are. A man who was known by no one, is now known by everyone. His face splashed across every screen, his name across the lips of every person on the planet, all in the course of one day. Seems like the more people you kill, the more you’re in the limelight.”
Evidently, this latest butcher also craved the limelight. Therefore, we must not honor his wishes. We will not mention his name.
Such was the appropriate example set by Douglas County Sheriff John Hanlin whose police force was swiftly on the scene.
Says Hamlin, “You will never hear me mention his name…I will not give him the credit he probably sought prior to this horrific and cowardly act.”
However, the other big news name needs to be mentioned. It’s a familiar name, one that has already been making headlines day after day and year after year. Yes, the other name is President Obama!
Before any of the details about possible motive at Umpqua Community College reared their ugly heads, Obama did the predictable by seizing upon yet another chance to advance his agenda. Can you guess that he made a speech? Can you guess what the speech was about? Yes, gun control! What else?
“We’ve become numb to this,” the President said. “It cannot be this easy for someone who wants to inflict harm on other people to get (their) hands on a gun.”
Never missing an opportunity to scold Congress for failing to cooperate with his idea of appropriate gun control legislation, President Obama added: “This is a political choice that we make, to allow this to happen every few months in America. We collectively are answerable to those families who lose their loved ones.”
After Obama’s speech, specific information about the shooting was uncovered. We know, for example, that the assailant went out of his way to target Christians. Will Obama make a second speech and describe this as a hate crime? Will he decide that the religion of Christianity is worth the same amount of effort as all the fuss he made defending a Muslim student who brought a homemade clock to school which looked like a bomb?
Speaking of Islam, the gunman’s My Space page had some disturbing material which may suggest Jihadist influence. Authorities are looking into this possibility. Should such a connection be established, will Obama acknowledge the problem? If his track record is any indication, he’ll be far more likely to explain what a beautiful, peaceful religion Islam is, how those who kill in the name of the Koran are not truly Muslims, and how they have hijacked an otherwise wonderful faith. After that, he’ll remind us once again that Christians also murdered during the Crusades a thousand years ago.
Despite the handicap of speaking before the facts were known, Obama still had much to talk about; namely our country’s irresponsibility as it relates to guns and gun laws. Now mind you, this does not include the irresponsibility of a gun free campus whose one security guard was unarmed. No, the fact that cowardly thugs are smart enough to go where the pickings are easy had absolutely nothing to do with anything!
Not to say that one couldn’t find anything good about our President’s speech. Check out this tasty morsel:
“…Somebody, somewhere will comment and say ‘Obama politicized this issue.’ Well this is something we should politicize.”
Imagine that! President Obama, who has lied about Benghazi, lied about health care, and lied about so many other things, actually tries his hand with the truth! It must be a whole new idea to him, requiring a bit of practice. Good job so far! Yes, Mr. President, that was the truth: You do believe in politicizing tragedies.
This is Bob Siegel, making the obvious, obvious.
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