Originally published by Communities Digital News
SAN DIEGO, January 25, 2013 — For those who had any lingering uncertainty about a woman’s right to abortion, such doubts have supposedly been laid to rest by two authorities, comedian Sarah Silverman, and Jesus Christ Himself.
Actually Jesus is portrayed by actor Michael Weatherly and joined by Silverman in a video sketch created to plug a national day of pride for women. Sponsored by Lady Parts Justice, the event promises rallies in every one of our 50 state capitals. The rallies are a ways off (September 28) but thanks to the Silverman video recently posted on YouTube, the “Ladys” are getting plenty of advanced publicity.
When asked by Silverman when life begins, Jesus replies, “Life begins at 40.”
That’s actually a funny line. But the remainder of the sketch was not as clever and the overall message was meant to be quite serious.
Jesus goes on to say, “Fertilized eggs aren’t people, people are people.”
This is followed by a sanctimonious lecture from Silverman: “Using religion to dictate legislation is un-American, but it’s happening.”
Un-American Sarah? Then how come the reverse is not also true? Evidently using religion to espouse the Pro-Choice point of view, and inspire people to keep abortion legal by making guesses about Jesus’ opinion on the subject is not un-American.
Actually, if abortion really is the taking of a human life one need not turn to religion at all while asking if the procedure is wrong. Take, for instance, murder in the more general sense, the murder of any human being, child, adolescent, or adult. Don’t we as a society agree that murder is evil despite a person’s view of God? True, the Bible issues an actual command saying “Thou shalt not murder,” but atheists and other secularists already know murder is wrong regardless of Scripture. Nobody argues that they are being forced to accept Christianity or Judaism simply because our society outlaws murder.
Be that as it may, since Silverman opened the door, perhaps it would not hurt to see what the Bible says about life in the womb.
In the Gospel of Luke, Mary the virgin, after miraculously experiencing pregnancy, visits her Aunt Elizabeth. Elizabeth is also with child. She is bearing John the Baptist.
“When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb ; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. 42 And she cried out with a loud voice and said, ”Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” (Luke 1:41-42)
Luke tells us in verse 36 of the same chapter that Elizabeth had been pregnant for six months. This fact might be of interest for those who argue that abortion is only wrong during the third trimester.
Of course, Michael Weatherly’s Jesus took us long before six months by talking about a “fertilized egg.” Even so, after a single cell is formed, its DNA structure is complete with 23 pairs of chromosomes. I.E., it is a human life If Jesus is the God of the universe incarnate, he knows that. If Jesus is not God, his opinions about abortion do not matter.
But perhaps the most interesting question of all was conspicuously missing from Silverman’s video. What would Jesus say to the question, “Did your mother Mary, upon hearing she was with child, have a right to choose an abortion?
This is Bob Siegel, making the obvious.
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