SAN DIEGO, March 9, 2013 ? The annual rally known as CPAC (Conservative political Action Conference) begins next week, and the stakes have never been higher. Conservative politicians and activists will give inspirational speeches in the hopes that their vision might help elevate them as favored contenders to save the Republican Party or the conservative movement at large.
As Republicans look toward the midterm elections of 2014 and the bigger prize of reclaiming the White House in 2016, realistic people wonder whether these future elections will be too little, too late. Significant change needs to happen now!
An honest look at President Obama’s first term raises serious questions about how degraded our freedoms will be by the next election. If Obama appoints additional Supreme Court justices, it may not matter who controls the White House or Congress. Even without such appointments, our Commander-in-Chief seems to enjoy ruling by fiat, hiding his dictatorial ambitions behind comfortable terms like “executive order.”
The man should be impeached. Benghazi alone would have been enough to impeach another president. So would Fast and Furious. And those are merely the scandals that leaked out. Just imagine what remains hidden from public eye. As the wise old saying goes, “Where there is smoke, there is fire.”
Unfortunately, a great chasm separates what should happen from what will happen. Obama will not be impeached, at least not by our current Congress. Republicans make a lot of noise about their conservative principals while running for office, but after being voted into power, they tend to lose sleep over the New York Times editorial page. Few want to go down in history as the ones who helped impeach our first African-American president.
With this in mind, CPAC 2013 may offer an alternative glimmer of hope, but only if a rare, exceptional leader emerges.
The tall order is more than a desirable wish list. We are looking for a crucial resume. Every single characteristic must be checked off.
Communications skills are an obvious requirement. A potential leader of the conservative movement must communicate as well as, if not better than Obama, offering solutions detailed enough for the educated, yet simple enough for those who voted for Obama without doing personal research. A strong leader needs a good sense of humor and a friendly demeanor. Those kinds of qualities should not matter, but they do. We live after all in a culture that chooses presidents based upon how often a candidate smiles during a debate and what kind of tie he wears.
We need an excellent debater, one who insists on a real debate format, rather than an agenda driven by the likes of journalist commentators like Candy Crowley.
But speaking ability merely scratches the surface. It is mandatory to have leaders of integrity and courage, who do not compromise even with those who call for “bi-partisanship,” who are not driven by polls or focus groups. We need leaders who don’t roll over and play dead every time the word “racist” is pulled out like a trump card to end all discussion.
We need someone to lead the GOP who can explain the difference between the freedoms guaranteed in our Constitution, and a successful life, which is not guaranteed in our Constitution. We are more likely to be successful if we are free, but keeping us free and safe is the only responsibility of government. We are not electing a Santa Claus with handouts or promises that what a few achieve will be stolen from them and shared with all.
Perhaps most importantly, we need a leader who can take on Obama now instead of waiting for the mid-term and presidential elections. If we expose the crippling effects of Obama’s social, financial, and foreign policies, perhaps his legacy will go down in defeat, even if we must first suffer through one more term of his presidency.
As our potential leader takes on Obama in the present, Mitt Romney’s approach of the past must be abandoned. No more “I disagree with Obama’s policies but I still think he’s a nice person.”
Who are we kidding? Obama is not that nice. He lies through his teeth. He lied about Benghazi. He lied about health care. He lies about the “many compromises” he has supposedly offered Republicans.
Obama’s socialist policies should not be ignored either. He has worked tirelessly to redistribute wealth and he has not been too shy about stating this plan. We heard about it way back in 2008 in his dialogue about “spreading the wealth” with Joe the Plumber. His subsequent policies have been a fulfillment of prophecy. No, Obama is not a member of any socialist party, but if his agenda isn’t socialist, the word should be removed from all dictionaries.
We must also ask questions that are obvious, yet so unpopular that few have dared to ponder them in the open political arena: “Is it possible that one can object to Obama for reasons other than skin color? If not, is it possible that one can vote for him for reasons other than skin color? Then how do you explain the many African-Americans who did not vote for him? If they cast their ballots based upon issues alone, could not white people have done the same thing?”
Finally, the importance of impeaching Obama should be articulated and repeated like a constant drum beat. Obama will never be impeached, but the fact that he deserves it must be driven home again and again, even if the challenger sounds like a lone prophet in the wilderness, abandoned by a Republican Party more cowardly than the lion of Oz.
In time, the contender will not be alone. Courage inspires people, bringing them out of the woodwork. It will force citizens to realize the terrible mistake our country made in being duped by this man. It will cause Obama’s approval rating to nose dive. It will weaken his use of the bully pulpit and embolden the little bit of check and balance still remaining in our once great nation. It may even inspire enough Republican backbone to block any Supreme Court nominee who is nothing more than a judicial activist. In short, it may help us to hold on until election time, if only by a thin thread.
All who want to see our Republic survive should view this wish list as the bare minimum of what is required of a new emerging leader.
This is Bob Siegel, making the obvious, obvious.
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