September 22, 2010
Yes, the bill was defeated yesterday, but let’s slow down and ponder what almost happened. Once again, Harry Reid takes two emotionally charged, nation dividing issues, (illegal immigration; gays in the military) and stuffs them inside a Trojan Horse bill about “funding for our troops.”
An attempted repeal to Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, was slipped in, along with a “compassionate” new idea that would grant amnesty and citizenship to any illegal alien who serves in the military. Oh yes, illegals in college get the same honor. Why that’s attached to a military spending bill, I’m sure I don’t know. Or maybe we all know: November is coming and Reid is running out of time to mark his territory.
The idea was to trap Republicans into voting for this bill, knowing full well that no conservative senator wanted to go home and explain to his constituents why he “didn’t support the troops.” Nice try, Reid. It didn’t work this time. Every Republican senator and a couple of Democrats voted against that brassy outrage disguising itself as an embryonic law. Unfortunately, the last time this same tactic was implemented, it did work: New Hate Crimes legislation, endangering the free speech of pastors (should some nut case do violence against gays and claim he was inspired by a sermon) was attached at the hip to a previous military spending bill. The bill is now law.
Mr. Reid, have you no shame? Is this your last ditch effort to jam more of that “progressive” agenda down the throats of Americans who clearly don’t want anything to do with it before they vote you and your confederates out of office in November?
That’s the spirit, Reid! Just refuse to give our men in uniform the life saving supplies they need unless we can also pass legislation undermining the very freedoms these same soldiers are fighting for.
Well, Harry, you obviously aren’t doing any true reflection at the moment, at least not the kind that involves paying attention to a little device in your brain called the conscience. Hopefully after November, you’ll get good long vacation, with plenty of time to finally think.
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