Originally published February 14, 2008
A woman is suing Best Buy for losing her laptop. Evidently she brought it in for repairs to the store she had purchased it from. For months they gave her the run around, laced with false progress reports about how the “repairs” were going. In fact, they had long since lost her computer and were lying to cover it up in the hopes (I suppose) of eventually finding it.
Certainly this kind of business ethic happens all the time. So why exactly did it make the news? Because the injured customer wants $54 million dollars. Yes, you heard me correctly; 54 MILLION dollars!
I won’t insult the intelligence of my readers by spending too much time on this one. My own laptop was stolen once. So I, of all people, understand that a computer, with its many files and E Mails is not merely a piece of equipment, but a personal, sentimental thing. Does she deserve money? Yes, and they have offered her money in the thousands of dollars. I guess it never occurred to these stingy salesmen that the poor woman was entitled to a million dollars. I’m sorry, not a million, 54 million.
The woman admits that the high figure was for the purpose of getting media attention. She doesn’t actually expect to get the full 54 million. Whew! For a moment I thought the world had gone mad. Maybe the jury will only give her one tenth of what she asks and she’ll go home with a mere 5 million, take or leave a little.
On the other hand, given the kinds of lawsuits we have today, matched with greedy lawyers and brain dead juries, who knows? She might just get it all. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised. If a High School girl can sue a male classmate for changing his mind about taking her to the prom, anything can happen. Oh , and don’t forget the one about the coffee being too hot, or (my favorite) the burgler who tripped on a skateboard and sued the homeowners because he broke his back.
Returning now to Who Wants To Be a 54 Millionare? There is one consolation for the plaintiff: This electronic store will be able to make the most honest commercial in the history of broadcasting, starring a satisfied customer who brags that she really did get the Best Buy of all.
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