Originally written March 09, 2010:
Bill Maher performed an interesting opening monologue on HBO’s Real Time and he did the impossible. He topped even himself. The subject at hand? John Bedell, who was shot dead while trying to attack the Pentagon. Great candidate for some fun jokes.
Anyway, Maher is such a brilliant wit, I just had to share his words with my readers: “When we see crazy, senseless deaths like this, we can only ask, why, why, why couldn’t it have been Glen Beck?”
Hey, that was pretty good, Bill. Do you do humor too? Actually, Bill, I’m sure you thought it was hilarious, especially since you believe these nasty Conservatives are not as smart or as compassionate as you and your liberal friends. Well, all right, Bill. For what’s worth, I would be the first to agree that any subject is open to humor. But let’s be frank: Had a Conservative made a comment like that about a liberal commentator, he’d be crucified faster than Pontius Pilate could wash his hands of the deed.
Oh, and Bill…While we’re on the subject of Glen Beck, I don’t suppose you would ever care to do an actual debate with him or any other conservative commentator…You know…the kind of situation where you defend your ideas with actual facts. You can even throw some of your knee slapping, side splitting jokes into the mix if you wish. All we ask is that for once, your arrogance be accompanied by an ounce or two of factual information. If you aren’t interested in a debate, Bill, (and I’ll take a wild guess that you aren’t) then look again: You are becoming the joke.
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