Originally published December 04, 2009
In an earlier blog this week, I commented on how Chris Matthews has turned against his hero, Obama. The article is linked below, so, I will not need to repeat the points I made earlier.
Of course, Matthews is not alone. Many Leftist pundits, including the self-righteous bleeding heart, Michael Moore, are literally pillaging the president for being willing to send more troops into Afghanistan.
Interesting: When people on the Left want to criticise Obama, (and some of us were wondering if we would live to see the day) they do so because the issue of war is important to them. That’s fine. I do not agree with their position on war, but they are certainly entitled to their opinion and I can respect their opinion. I do find it interesting, however, that when people on the Right criticise the very same president for different reasons, the Left immediately writes it off to “racism.” In their minds, we couldn’t possibly be concerned about the free market, or the unborn child, or a weakened country in the face of Islamo-Terroirsm. Oh no! If anyone from the Right expresses an issue of concern, he is only masking his true agenda; an unwillingness to appreciate an African-American president! Period! End of conversation! It cannot possibly be anything else!
You see? The Left speaks out of thoughtfulness and careful reflection. The Right is incapable of such nuanced skill. Or so the Left thinks, in the Mother Goose fantasy world they continue to live in.
Do you want to know what’s really sad? How many in our country have even paused to notice this inconsistency? The outspoken Leftist talking heads seem completely unaware of it. They just blissfully press on with their arrogant smiles, unaware of any hypocrisy.
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