Have you heard the one about the Santas of Sydney? I know. It sounds like I’m about to tell a joke. No Joke! Santa Clauses who work in department stores, etc. in Sydney, Australia have been instructed to discontinue the traditional phrase, “Ho, ho, ho.” Why? Because it’s offensive to women. If you’ll recall, “ho” is a slang term sometimes used of prostitutes.
Just when you thought things couldn’t get any stupider…. This is about as dumb as when The Lord of the Rings producers released the second movie of the trilogy, The Two Towers and we were told the phrase “Two Towers” was offensive to the families of 9/11 victims. I guess they didn’t know the movie was based on a book that had been called The Two Towers for over fifty years.
What’s next? Should we indict the entire country of Australia for the sexual suggestiveness of a phrase like “down under?” Should Santa be called a “Peeping Tom” because he sees you while you’re sleeping?
It’s time for the high majority of the people who love Christmas to rise up and shout, “For crying out loud! It’s just a holiday. Chill out.”
This is Bob Siegel, making the obvious, obvious.