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The Many Masks of Marx

Co-host Mat Simone talks about how bad sounding phrases such as Marxism are now disguised under nice sounding titles like “Liberalism” or “Progressivism.”    

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Toning Down The Rhetoric?

Guest: Gabriella Hoffman, conservative actvist. Topic: The aftermath of the Arizona shootings and attempted blame toward the Tea Party movement.

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Jesus As A Cartoon

Interview: Four candidates for San Diego Superior Court: -Bill Trask -Craig Candelore -Harold Coleman -Larry Kincaid Other Topics: -Comedy Central Cartoon Show About Jesus -American Flag Banished on High School Campus -Oil Spill Ends Up…

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South Park Versus Mecca

Topics: -South Park Verses Mecca: Censorship from Muslims -Franklin Graham uninvited to speak at the Pentagon: More censorship from Muslims -Bill Clinton sounds off on Tea Parties: Censorship from a former president (Just so that…

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Davida VanderPloeg (KUSI News)

GUEST: Davida VanderPloeg,  five time Emmy Award winner and Manager of Newsroom Operations at KUSI News, San Diego. Interview topics include journalistic integrity and the reasons some are drawn to local news over national news….

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The Prop 8 Update

Proposition Eight discussion takes up the high majority of the program but it is woven in and out with other subjects.  The show begins with a monologue about Prop 8, then goes into some other…

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Is Santa Claus Gay?

Bob opens with a parody of Political Correctness showing an attempt to paint famous people gay. Other topics: -A debate on whether or not the Supreme Court has the power to “interpret” the Constitution. -The…

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The Eroding of Free Speech

While discussing issues associated with the upcoming presidential election, Bob discusses the Fairness Doctrine, “Hate Speech” legislation and other plans to curtail freedom. Other topics: Current Events: -The danger of following charisma (Obama’s popularity with…