Healing: Part 2: Nancy MacLean and Susan Norton
Healed of M.S.: Randy Drone
Rob Bell
Bart Ehrman: New Testament Manuscripts
Wright and Three Other Testimonies
Interview: Henry Wright: Illness and Sin
Rock Star Raised From the Dead
Jim Garlow: Cracking Da Vinci’s Code
A note from Bob Siegel (February 2017) I met Dr. Jim Garlow for the first time literally days before this radio interview which originally aired in the year 2006. My producer back then (and…
Laurie Lewis: Part 2 (Mamas and The Papas Singer)
Laurie Lewis: Part 1 (Mamas and The Papas Singer)
Mark Thomas: Church and State
Victor Mordecai
Can Skeptics Believe In God?
Bob’s recurring atheist friend Zak Kruger raises questions about skepticism and religious claims. This conversation takes place during the second half of the program, after co-host Sharon Cochard brings up some news events dealing with…
Can the Supernatural Be Explained Away Every Time?
Less of a formal debate and more of an informal, friendly discussion, Bob talks with an atheist student named Zak Kruger regarding the supernatural. Zak met Bob when he was a guest speaker at Central…
Dr. Robert Price: Part 2: Jesus
Dr. Robert Price: Part 1: Atheism
Dan Barker: Atheism
Ryan Bradle: Catholics and Protestants Part 2
Ryan Bradle: Catholics and Protestants Part 1