Brian Flemming Part 2: Christianity
Brian Flemming Part 1: Christianity
Ann Paulk
Interview: George Runyon
Avoiding the Occult: Marcia Fisher
Healed of Brain Cancer: Celebrating a Miracle
Healed of Infertility: Bruce and Rosanne Gridley
Steve Cochard: Debunking 9/11 Conspiracies
The Witch Who Switched
A Case For Authentic Biblical Healing: Part 1
Healing: Part 2: Nancy MacLean and Susan Norton
Healed of M.S.: Randy Drone
Rob Bell
Bart Ehrman: New Testament Manuscripts
Wright and Three Other Testimonies
Interview: Henry Wright: Illness and Sin
Rock Star Raised From the Dead
Jim Garlow: Cracking Da Vinci’s Code
A note from Bob Siegel (February 2017) I met Dr. Jim Garlow for the first time literally days before this radio interview which originally aired in the year 2006. My producer back then (and…