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Return Of Jesus And Other Bible Questions

Theology: -What definite Biblical signs will announce the Second Coming of Jesus? -Will children be confused if their parents attend more than one denomination? -How will God judge the people who never heard of Jesus?…

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Gay Activists Intolerant Of Christians And Voters

Interviews: -Rachel Duke, National Reporter for Washington Times: A university insists that a student in their counseling program change her Christian convictions, namely her view that homosexuality is a sin. -James Griffiths, Western Center For…

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Very Controversial Bible Topics!

Two very controversial Bible topics are discussed on this program, one of intellectual interest, the other of moral interest: Theology: -How could there have been kangaroos on the ark if kangaroos only exist in Australia?…

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Difference Between Liberal And Conservative Churches

Would Obama’s “Christianity” be recognized by Jesus? This is one of several important subjects leading into a discussion of liberal and conservative churches. Other Topics: -Christians arrested while evangelizing Muslims. -NAACP calls Tea Parties racist….

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4th Of July Show

A wide variety of features are highlighted on our July 4th program: -A call for prayer on behalf of America, set to the background of Dvorak’s New World Symphony, -INTERVIEW: Jennifer Harper from Washington Times:…

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Daniel’s Accurate Prophecies

Theology: -A continuation of Daniel’s prophecy of the 70 weeks of years is authenticated by proving the correct date of Christ’s arrival in Jerusalem. -Why does Jesus teach that more people will end up in…

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Mosque At Ground Zero

Religious Topics: -Mosque At Ground Zero -Does Matthew’s Geneology Contradict Luke’s? -Did Jesus Claim To Be The Messiah? -Daniel’s Calender Predicting the Coming of the Messiah Political Topics: -Obama’s Explanation Of Alleged Bribe -Sarah Palin…

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Jesus As A Cartoon

Interview: Four candidates for San Diego Superior Court: -Bill Trask -Craig Candelore -Harold Coleman -Larry Kincaid Other Topics: -Comedy Central Cartoon Show About Jesus -American Flag Banished on High School Campus -Oil Spill Ends Up…

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Unicorns In The Bible?

Theology Topics: -Does The Bible Speak Of Unicorns? -How Can A Scientific Mind Accept Miracles? -Are Christians To Forgive Even Those Who Do Not Repent? -How Do Jewish People Deal With Old Testament Prophecy Fulfilled…

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South Park Versus Mecca

Topics: -South Park Verses Mecca: Censorship from Muslims -Franklin Graham uninvited to speak at the Pentagon: More censorship from Muslims -Bill Clinton sounds off on Tea Parties: Censorship from a former president (Just so that…

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The Best of The Bob Siegel Show

This is a repeat broadcast of last year’s Easter Sunday look back at The Bob Siegel Show over the years, highlighting some interesting phone calls and favorite satirical sketches. Included are: Barack Wants To Be…