A Logical Case For Genesis
Theology Topics: -Was the world really created in six literal days? -How can we take seriously the Garden of Eve story of a talking snake? -If Cain was Eve’s first child, why was he worried…
Theology Topics: -Was the world really created in six literal days? -How can we take seriously the Garden of Eve story of a talking snake? -If Cain was Eve’s first child, why was he worried…
Guest: Gabriella Hoffman, conservative actvist. Topic: The aftermath of the Arizona shootings and attempted blame toward the Tea Party movement.
Co-Host, Greg Jarvis discusses resolutions in a down to Earth, honest way and even questions why Christians sometimes use church of all places to hide from God!
In this repeat broadcast, a cordial conversation with a skeptic seeks to determine if the human conscience bears witness to God. Originally broadcast: 10-31-10 Additional topic: Is it Biblical for Christians to be involved with…
In a repeat broadcast of a favorite radio show which first aired December of 2007, singer, songwriter Sylvia Lane shares her testimony and her music. Sylvia’s uncle is Hugh Martin, famous for composing the hit…
Theology: -A Christian response to an atheist sign -The testimony of Jesus from ancient history outside of the New Testament -Did Emperor Constantine decide which books went into the New Testament? -Was Christianity invented by…
As Bob finishes his four week series, Greg Jarvis joins in with insightful questions and comments.
Theology: Bob continues his series on discerning the will of God for our individual lives. Pop Culture: Film critic Mark Bubien reviews some recent Blue-Ray releases that would make great Christmas presents.
This week’s program continues discussing principles which will help people determine God’s personal plan for their individual lives.
A discussion on discerning God’s will in our personal lives begins with the steps toward a prepared heart. Other Topics: Theology: -The resurrected Jesus restores Peter after his 3 denials of Christ. -Bob answers the…
A variety of Bible questions are answered, some, skeptical of the Bible, others from Christians who want to better understand their own theology: -If God wants so many people to believe in Him, why doesn’t…
Is there really a second step of spirituality that God wants everybody to take and is this phenomenon accompanied by the sign of tongues? Other Theology Questions: -Is Jesus’ name translated correctly? -Will Jesus be…
Our conversation with Tim (a caller from the previous week) is continued. What is the origin of the human conscience? If it does not come from God, must a person become a moral relativist to…
Where did our sense of right and wrong come from? Can the conscience be used as evidence for the existence of God? This friendly and interesting conversation with a caller takes up the majority of…
Interview: Conservative college students, Gabriella Hoffman and Yoela Palkin share personal campus experiences including; educating their peers, challenging their professors, and stirring up whirlwinds of controversy by sponsoring guest speakers such as David Horowitz. Other…
Film critic, Mark Bubien returns, this time to discuss well known, not so well known, and classic books that have been banned over the years, some by Christians, others by non-religious with an agenda of…
Continuing a discussion of miracles which began on last week’s program, Bob goes through the Bible to show the various reasons behind these special acts of God. The distinction between a miracle and an answer…
This week’s program begins a series on listening to the voice and direction of God. The opener is a discussion of modern day miracles. Many skeptics and Christians alike would find it surprising to hear…
Only a few days prior to the release of this courageous lady’s controversial novel, Terry Kelhawk talks about her many years researching the Koran’s true origins. The result is a riveting story, and in this…
In this corner: A pastor who threatens to burn the Koran. He never ended up doing so, but Muslim riots are going on all over the world and American Flags are being burnt. In that…