
Miscarriage Awareness: The Emotions and the Healing

Guest hosting for Bob Siegel: Michaelene Fredenburg, President and CEO of Life Perspectives, an organization that communicates hope and  healing to men, women, family members and friends who are impacted by miscarriage or abortion. In acknowledgement…

Sanctuary States: Law of the Land?

Bob asserts hypocrisy from the California legislature which just passed a law making California a “sanctuary state,” thus thumbing its nose at the federal government, a government which overturned a previous California law (Proposition 8)…

Should We Be Electing Role Models or Policy?

Co-host Mike Fredenburg (a columnist for National Review) joins Bob for a discussion of President Trump’s many accomplishments despite the turmoil within his own cabinet and the Republican Congress. This leads to a discussion of…

jesus cross

What Exactly is a Sin Nature?

Sin if often discussed without being defined. Bob gives the Biblical definition of both sin and our sin nature. He also answers an understandable question: If humans are born with a nature that compels them…

Hollywood Movies

The Gospel According to Hollywood

Bob and his co-host Jim Berrier discuss Christian messages in movies, both intended and perhaps unintended.   Films and television shows discussed include: Subtle, implied allegory or message: -The Day the Earth Stood Still -2001:…

Is the Bible About God or is it About Me?

Repeat broadcast Original airdate: 3-5-17 Co-host Greg Jarvis joins Bob for a reflective conversation about the self -centeredness  which often gets into our faith. While the focus of God’s love throughout the Bible (and in…