
white house

Trump and North Korea

National Review contributor, Mike Fredenburg joins Bob for a discussion of President Trump’s recent decision to meet with the dictator of North Korea. Contrary to popular opinion, Mike shows that a war with North Korea…


A Loving God Who Allows Suffering?

Bob continues a series that began a couple of weeks ago on why a loving, yet all powerful God would allow suffering and evil in the world. This discussion begins roughly twelve minutes into the…

American Sports and Politics

Co-host Jim Berrier joins Bob to review the year of protests during the national anthem that characterized the NFL. He also reviews athletes who took stands throughout American history. The difference between authentic causes which…

trump news

Censorship on the Internet

Bob’s first guest is Eric Golub, columnist, satirist, author and blogger of TygrrrrExpress Eric was recently censored on Twitter for what they called “hate speech” when all he actually did was call out certain Hollywood celebrities’…

Sanctuary State and Other News

Co-host Jim Berrier joins Bob for a look in review of 2017. Topics include: -California becoming a “sanctuary state” -North Korea threat -A report card on President Trump’s first year in office   As advertised…

God’s Spiritual Gifts To Be Used For Him

Repeat broadcast: Original airdate: 11-1-15 Bob and wife/co-host Dana Siegel discuss the exciting, encouraging truth that the Spirit of God has given every Christian at least one spiritual gift. They begin their discussion by explaining…

The Real Christmas and Birth of Baby Jesus

Repeat Broadcast: Original airdate: 12-11-16 Co-host Jim Berrier joins Bob to discuss the birth of Jesus and the accompanying “Christmas controversies.” Topics include: The “Three Wise Men” -Where did the  three “Wise Men” come from?…

jesus cross

Morality: Consistent and Inconsistent Responses

In the wake of so many overwhelming news events regarding violent tragedy and sexual scandal, Co-host Jim Berrier joins Bob for a discussion exploring the many valid questions about appropriate/inappropriate Christian response. This includes an…