
Is Atheism Consistent?

Even people who claim God does not exist live as though He DOES exist. This is because they attach meaning and value to their lives. But if life came into existence by accident, there would…

jesus cross

Why Are So Many Leaving the Church?

Bob is joined by Pastor Jim Berrier and his friend Brian Slagle. Together, they  discuss why so many people, even Christians, are turned off by today’s churches. Several ideas are proposed as solutions including churches…

Is the Bible a Chauvinistic Book?

Bob spends a great deal of time challenging those who would insist on a patriarchal order of male and female roles. He examines the notion that wives are commanded to obey their husbands and that…

Is America a Christian Nation?

Co-host Jim Berrier joins Bob for a discussion about God’s relationship with America. After establishing that America, unlike Israel, is not in a special covenant relationship with God, America’s Christian roots are nevertheless discussed. Both…

Election Polling: A More Objective Look

National Review contributor Mike Fredenburg, who successfully predicted the victory of Donald Trump in 2016 despite most polls indicating the contrary, joins Bob to assess some of the early polling in the winds of 2020….

white house

Looney Tunes and the Race for the White House

Co-host Jim Berrier joins Bob for a discussion of last week’s Democratic presidential candidates’ debate.     As advertised on The Bob Siegel Show: The Dangerous Christmas Ornament TRIPLE HONORS! -Independent Press Award 2017 Distinguished Favorite! -New York…

trump news

President Trump Launches Campaign 2020

National Review contributor, Mike Fredenburg, joins Bob to discuss the latest news including: -President Trump’s re-election launch -The situation with Iran -The border -Tariffs -The many obstacles Trump has endured, even from “never Trumpers” in…

When Churches Compromise

Co-host Jim Berrier joins Bob for a discussion about our modern day churches, how far too often they model themselves after typical businesses rather than spiritual children of God. Compromises over the acceptance of sinful…