
Heaven Hell

Would A Loving God Actually Send People To Hell?

Repeat Broadcast: Original air date: 11-3-13 Richard Haynes, President of Atheist Nexus International, Inc. joins Bob for a cordial discussion about atheism, theism, our human conscience, and Biblical doctrines such as eternal punishment. The discussion…

The State of Today’s Media

Jim Berrier and Steve Hesselbach join Bob to talk about the dangerous bias in media, Southwest Airline vaccine mandates and much more!   As mentioned on The Bob Siegel Show: Inside the Castle in the…

The Ease of Deception

Jim Berrier joins Bob to talk about the ease with which humans get deceived or capitulate to public opinion even when they are not decieved.   As mentioned on The Bob Siegel Show:   The…

Are We Still A Republic?

  OPENING MONOLOGUE: Prior to bringing on his guests, Bob assesses the state of our country, and the grave situation  we face together if we continue down a road without any turns. Meanwhile,  if tough times…

What’s The “Good” News in the World?

Tonight’s topics: -Former CBS anchor Dan Rather makes a comparison between the Taliban and those supporting the new Texas abortion law temporarily left in place by the Supreme Court.  Needless to say, Bob has one…

white house

President Biden: First 7 Months

Jim Berrier joins Bob to review the condition of our country with President Biden a little over half a year in office. He then moves on to critique the new “infrastructure” bill.

Israel: Ice Cream Held Hostage

First broadcast: 8-1-21 on 1170 AM, 96.1 FM, The ANSWER This program aired in four distinct segments, each segment exploring a different topic. These segments have also been sent out as podcasts on the CGM…

white house

Cuba, COVID, and Christ

Jim Berrier joins Bob to talk about current hypocrisies from the left including, failure of our current administration to call out the Communist dictatorship in Cuba and the exploitation of COVID19 for political purposes, one…

jesus cross

Correcting Today’s False Gospel

This program broadcast July 11, 2021 on 1170 AM, 96.1 FM, The ANSWER. There were four different segments, each of which can be found in podcast form on the CGM Radio Network.   LISTEN TO…

Are Christians Always Expected To Be Polite?

Repeat broadcast: Original airdate: 5-16-21 Bob addresses three different subjects: -Are there ever occasions for Christians to speak more forcefully? -Why should I accept Christianity when other religions also make claims? -What the church IS…


Thoughtful Questions About The Bible

Bob’s guest is Leticia Ruiz, host of a new YouTube program called Jesus Type. Leticia passes on questions from her own listeners on a wide variety of Bible topics. Questions include: -What do you say…