
jesus cross

The Credibility and Historicity of Jesus

Bob responds to claims from certain skeptics that Jesus was a false prophet. He also addresses the insinuation that the resurrection of Christ is not verified by any history outside of the New Testament. ALSO:…


Interview With a Former Mormon

Bob interviews Jason Sieckman, a police detective and Evangelical Christian. Jason left the LDS Church a number of years ago and now serves on the board of Skyline Church in San Diego.  He shares his…

What Are the Earmarks of True Revival?

Jim Berrier, Jim Carkagis, and Brendan Thomas join Bob to discuss the Asbury College phenomenon. NOTE FROM BOB: This radio show aired live on Sunday night, February 19th. Much has happened since then including this…

Trinity in the Old and New Testament

Many Bible topics (the Trinity being just some) are discussed today, first from two of Bob’s opening messages, and then, this all Bible show continues with some great questions from Bob’s producer, Brendan Thomas. As…

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The P.C. Manifesto: 2023

Bob shares a satirical look at the different positions of the WOKE/ Politically Correct agenda, showing how each and every one of their tenets completely contradicts another of their stated beliefs. Other topics: Bob and…