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Founding Fathers And Slavery

How could Founding Fathers, in the name of Christianity, freedom, and emancipation  hold on to slaves of their own? This topic takes up the majority of the program. The condemnation of slavery in the Bible…

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Refuting Claim That Jesus Was Gay

A recent magazine interview with a Catholic psychologist brought up the suggestion that Jesus and his disciple John had a same-sex relationship. In a non-condemning way, this idea is nevertheless disproved from Scripture. The causes…

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More On The Bible

Christianity: Part 3 of Bob’s discussion on scripture corroboration defends the accuracy of Josephus’ passage about Jesus along with The Acts of Pilate. Current Events: -Bob’s commentary on recent Obama speech about Afghanistan -New York’s…

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Historical Evidence For The Bible: Part 2

Last week’s discussion about the credibility of Scripture is continued. This week’s topics: -How should a scientific mind approach Biblical accounts of miracles? -The testimony of Jesus from sources outside the New Testament

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When Politicians Exploit The Bible

Theology: -Many Evangelical Christians voted for Obama and continue to take positions compatible with the Democratic Party, mostly due to a misunderstanding of New Testament communal principles. -A discussion on when to be friendly or…

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Being Young, Conservative And Spicy

This week’s show features the return of college activist, Gabriella Hoffman, who describes herself in Washington Times Communities as, young, conservative and spicy. Topics with Gabriella include a special nation-wide university rally to support Israel,…

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Legalism In The Church

Bob breaks from the regular routine of arguing with skeptics and instead offers a critique of his fellow Christians on matters he feels are silly and divisive. Of special interest is the scolding worship leaders…

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Comments On Koran Book Burning

Current Events: -Koran book burning Theology: -Why does God need to be worshiped? -Are all religions a path to God? -Is it OK for Christians to ask their dead friends and relatives to pray for them…

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Is The Trinity Biblical?

THEOLOGY: -This program continues a discussion that began in an earlier program about the Trinity. -Does God need our worship? CURRENT EVENTS: -Obama’s “clear” position on Libya -Israel blamed even when Israelis are murdered