

Churches Disciplining Unrepentant Sin

Church discipline, or excommunication as it is sometimes called, is seldom done anymore. And yet, this practice is commanded in Scripture. What exactly was the purpose? What did Paul mean when he talked about expelling…

jesus cross

Healing: Part Three

Bob concludes his series on supernatural healing. ALSO: Is lying always a sin? Lying is condemned in the Bible. For example, Proverbs says, “God hates a lying tongue.” But what about lying to protect another…

Those Times God Doesn’t Heal

Bob continues his discussion about supernatural healing keying in on Biblical narratives where healing was either denied or postponed even amongst those walking with God and exhibiting faith!

Debate? Or Just Bait?

Bob Siegel comments on the Trump -Harris “debate” showing how it was not a real debate. He also shares some good news, courtesy of columnist Mike Fredenburg, on the responses of many voters despite the…

A Biblical Case For Authentic Healing

While refuting the bad doctrine and practices of certain faith healers, Bob nevertheless embraces supernatural healing from the Holy Spirit as a true Biblical phenomenon, one that does continue today according to God’s will in…

Hollywood Movies

The Portrayal of Christianity in Hollywood

Jim Berrier joins Bob to talk about Hollywood’s portrayal of Christian faith in the past, the present, and in competition from newer, independent studios. Movies and television shows include, The Da Vinci Code, The Last…

Heaven Hell

How Exactly Does A Person Get To Heaven?

Recently in a television interview, former President Trump talked about his belief that God spared his life from an assassin’s bullet. As he went on to talk more about the spiritual world, he commented that…

An Argument For The Existence of God

Bob gives an argument for the existence of God based on questions of where the human conscience came from. NOTE: This topic (the beginning of a series that will continue over the next few weeks)…


Biden Replaced

Bob and his guest Jim Berrier discuss Joe Biden’s announcement that he is leaving the presidential race and other related news/speculations.  PLUS: So-called prophets saying Christians should not be involved with politics