
Bob Siegel Teaches Weekly at Skyline Church

Time: 11:15-12:30 PM  Sunday Place: Skyline Church, La Mesa, California Room: M1 (In Mezzanine Section of upper building) Have you ever brought up a controversial subject at the dinner table such as religion or politics,…

book signing

Author Audio Reading

This reading (see link below) by Bob Siegel is taken from his novel The Dangerous Christmas Ornament. Although part of a much larger adventure, it can still be enjoyed as a self contained story. The reading is…

Bob as a guest on: “Come Together San Diego”

Date: March 31, 2024 Time: 5:00 PM-7:00 PM Station: KPRZ 1210 AM, 106.1 FM Or to listen live over the Internet Caz Taylor will be interviewing Bob about the situation in Israel’s war with…

Bob’s Apologetics Seminar this Saturday!

This Saturday March 25, 2023 Registration is open Already registered? Log in Register CATEGORIES Rancho San Diego All Church Core Four UPCOMING DATES Mar 25, 2023 9am–3:15pm LOCATION Rancho San Diego 11330 Campo Road Youth Center…

book signing

Book Signing and Author Reading

Bob’s latest nonfiction book, The Many Myths About Ministry, has just been published. Join us for a book signing and author reading. Date: February 19, 2023 Time: 12:30 PM (Free lunch will be provided) Place:…

The Bob Siegel Show Podcast: Monday-Friday

In addition to his continuing weekly broadcast  (1170 AM, 96.1 FM, The ANSWER) there is now a daily Bob Siegel Show Podcast on the CGM Radio Network. See ALL previous and current Bob Siegel Show…

Bob Siegel’s One-Man Drama: Eternal Reach

Eternal Reach (written and performed by Bob Siegel) is the story of four people who died of different tragic causes. Together they made the shocking discovery that an afterlife did exist. Waking up in a mysterious,…

The Dangerous Christmas Ornament

Bob’s Audio Reading!

This reading by Bob Siegel is taken from his novel The Dangerous Christmas Ornament. Although part of a much larger adventure, it can still be enjoyed as a self contained story. Just click on the link below,…

Special One-Man Drama by Bob Siegel

  Equal Before All Kings A One-Man Drama Written and performed by Bob Siegel Bob does a dramatic (oral interpretation) reading of a script he wrote himself and has performed around the country. This week,…

The New Bob Siegel Show Podcast

Bob now has a new podcast on the CGM Radio Network! (Cross Global Media) In addition to Bob’s weekly radio show on 1170 AM, 96.1 FM, THE ANSWER Sunday nights, you can now hear him…

Guest: Come Together S.D. with Caz Taylor

  Date:  July 11 , 2020 Time: 5:00-7:00 PM Pacific Time Above, you can play an audio promo from both Caz and Bob.   “Come Together San Diego with CO host Bob Siegel of the…

Special Seminar with Bob Siegel

The Hebrew Roots Movement and Replacement Theology: A Critique of Both Some Christians teach that God is done with the nation of Israel because we are living under the New Covenant of Christ. Supposedly, prophecies…

Special One-Man Drama: The Dust of Eden

Written and performed by Bob Siegel In this simple story, the most popular of Bob Siegel’s plays, 25 year old Sean Knight is informed by an angel that he has only one day left to…

The Dangerous Christmas Ornament

Book Signing For Bob’s Christmas Fantasy Novel

If you missed this event but are still interested: Watch a recording of Bob’s presentation OR Click below for information about the book along with professional and customer reviews: The Dangerous Christmas Ornament TRIPLE HONORS!…

Bob Siegel At Culture and Bible Institute

CBI (Culture and Bible Institute) is a two year course held at Skyline Church on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:30. The first class was on January 11, 2017. The five divisions include: Bible, History of Christianity,…

Special Event With Bob Siegel!!!

The Melting Candle Written and performed by Bob Siegel A one-man dramatic reading Lots of comedy! Lots of drama! Come see Bob change his voice for every character! Free! No admission charge!   How would…

Bob’s One-Man Dramatic Reading

  Written and performed by Bob Siegel Lots of comedy! Lots or drama! Come see Bob change his voice for every character!   Martha Flannery, an aggressive missionary, sets out for the Phrasian Islands to…