Debate: The Israel-Hamas War
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Bob continues his series on the many promises offered in Scripture to followers of Jesus. ALSO Satire: Thanksgiving Courtesy
Bob is joined by co-host Jim Berrier and producer Brendan Thomas as each shares the many blessings they are thankful for.
Bob addresses those who feel they should dismiss the claims of Jesus due to religious hypocrisy. ALSO: -The many promises in the Bible: First in a series that will continue over the next few weeks
Bob and co-host Jim Berrier continue with the topic dominating the news, keying in on historical revision of the Middle East situation. For detailed information related to today’s topic, check out Bob’s book! The Holocaust…
Bob concludes his 3 part series on the erroneous “Replacement Theology” which teaches that God is no longer working with the nation of Israel ALSO: Are Christians being watched from heaven by previous believers who…
Bob comments on President Biden’s recent Oval Office speech regarding Israel. For a more detailed education regarding the historical revision of modern day Israel and the Palestinians, check out Bob’s Book: The Holocaust Against Israel…
Bob continues his series on the fallacy of Replacement Theology showing how God’s covenant with Abraham and the Jews is still in operation. ALSO: -Are Christian meetings too top heavy with sermons and lectures? For…
Bob and Jim Berrier discuss the war between Israel and Hamas, the vile hatred toward Israel from some of our elected congresswomen, and the conclusions Christians immediately jump to regarding the Second Coming of Christ…
Bob critiques Replacement Theology, the belief that the church is the new Israel and that God is done with the physical nation of Israel. As with many systematic theologies in tension with each other, the…
(c) 2023 by Bob Siegel Recently I received a very interesting question from somebody comparing Bible translations. It had to do with the passage in Daniel where his three friends, refusing to bow down to…
Bob Siegel talks about the barbaric attack from Hamas and the new war in Israel. Other Topics: -Candice Owens and Some LGBTQ Protesters -Latest from Governor Newsom -Saying Goodbye to Some Beloved Celebrities -San Diego…
For detail on today’s topic: Order Bob’s latest book! The Many Myths About Ministry by Bob Siegel | Dec 22, 2022 5.0 out of 5 stars 1 Paperback $9.95 Bob shows how churches view their pastors in unbiblical ways!
Bob interviews actor Ryan Holland, lead title player on a new film about the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Ryan also discusses acting in general. Both draw comparisons between Pre-Nazi Germany and present-day America.
Bob tackles the very controversial subject of alien life. OTHER TOPICS: -Can God really do anything? Bob responds to some comments regarding a previous show -Bible interpretation: Objective or subjective?
Jim Berrier continues a talk from a few weeks ago about how new trends in the 1960’s are affecting present-day America.
Bob’s answer will surprise you!
In 2010, Sandra Bullock won the Academy Award for Best Actress! Now, the film she won for, The Blind Side, is a subject of much controversy, causing many to insist she give her award back! Bob comments….
Bob tackles a very controversial subject about demonology. ALSO: Prayer in the public schools
Bob answers a wide variety of Bible questions submitted to him including: -How can God exist without beginning or end? -How can the Bible be trusted, or any ancient history at all for that matter?…