Articles by Bob Siegel


A Contradiction in the Gospels?

Three gospel accounts describe Jesus healing blind men in Jericho, but Bible skeptics claim the accounts contradict themselves. Bob addresses this concern. ALSO: -Do Christians go to heaven immediately after they die? -When God Interferes…

Hollywood Movies

Movie Review: The Robe

Bob’s producer Brendan Thomas joins him for a film review of the classic Academy Award winning movie, The Robe, a story of the Roman tribune responsible for Christ’s crucifixion. ALSO: -Bob responds to a question about…

dome of the rock

Are There Moderate Muslims?

Many Muslims sincerely claim to be peaceful. But what did Mohammad himself actually teach? Also: On the Lighter side: DEBATE: Bob and Jim Berrier debate the merits of Jesus Christ Superstar! For more detailed information…


How Modern Society Dismisses the Bible

Bob and co-host Jim Berrier defend the authority of Scripture while expressing concern that so few today (including Evangelical Christians) are maintaining a Biblical world view. Also: -Popular sayings which (to the surprise of many)…

Have Yourself Even More Christmas

Who says Christmas is over? The play-on-words title above relates to the history of a Christmas carol explored with great depth! Today’s podcast is re-edited from a years-old tradition on Bob’s broadcast show, annual repeat…

The Best and the Worst Christmas Songs

Bob’s producer Brendan Thomas shares his favorite and least favorite Christmas songs and carols. Needless to say, Bob responds with some opinion of his own. Songs discussed include, Blue Christmas, White Christmas, All I Want For…