Was Thomas Jefferson A Christian?
Co-host, Kevin Conover addresses the myth that Thomas Jefferson was a Deist (one who believes in a God who created the universe but does not involve Himself in people’s lives.) The discussion also includes…
Co-host, Kevin Conover addresses the myth that Thomas Jefferson was a Deist (one who believes in a God who created the universe but does not involve Himself in people’s lives.) The discussion also includes…
The Flag is a docudrama in the making. Theme: What does the American flag mean to vets? How do vets feel when they see people desecrating the flag? Actor and writer Dave Alspach…
In an effort to help people reconsider their decisions, Co-hosts, Dana Wright, Mat Simone, and Mike Fredenburg offer passionate pleas to any in the audience who are still considering voting for Obama Obama’s social…
A discussion of “independent” swing voters raises serious questions about the responsibility of citizens who do not follow politics yet vote anyway because it is their right. This discussion comes early in the program…
Co-host Kevin Conover talks about an Evangelical Christian friend who says he cannot vote for Mitt Romney because he is a Mormon. Although Kevin and Bob do not believe in Mormon theology, they point…
Pop Culture: Bob interviews British radio host and author Craig Avery. Craig talks candidly about personal experiences which inspired his different short stories and other writings. We hear about such works as Tell Me…
In Segment One, Bob debriefs the first debate between President Obama and Governor Romney. After that, Co-Host Mat Simone joins Bob for a look at current events, new laws, new terms, and new school rules…
Bob begins by making it clear that he would never tell Christians who they must vote for. A voting record is not a reflection of somebody’s spirituality or salvation. Bob compliments many of the Christians…
Steve Klein turned the media into a buzz by coming forth to identify himself as the spokesman for the controversial film Innocence Of Muslims. Although he had nothing to do with the making of…
Current Events: -Riots and killings at American embassies: Is this really just about a film, or rather, a people who interpret apologies as signs of weakness to be exploited? -DNC Convention melodrama: Obama insisted…
Co-Host Dana Wright continues to share her changed feelings about President Obama. She also offers advice for those who follow politics regarding how they might better share with friends and family without scaring people…
Co-Host Dana Wright explains why she voted for Obama in 2008 and why she now regrets the decision. She and Bob then enter into a discussion which addresses Obama supporters in a respectful way….
Co-Host Mike Fredenburg joins Bob to talk about how many of today’s churches are either compromising their faith or drawing sincerely false conclusions about the Christian’s relationship to the political process.
Bob makes a case against pre-marital sex, not by merely quoting scripture but by showing that all people with their consciences actually agree with the standards of the Bible. In this vein, Bob shares…
The question in the title is but one of many Bible subjects addressed in this program dedicated to Q and A for skeptics and Christians who have difficulty with certain passages of the Bible…
In the wake of the Chick fil-A controversy, Bob presents the conservative view of same-sex marriage, legally, intellectually, psychologically, and compassionately, although the charge that Christians have no compassion is especially addressed.
Film critic, Mark Bubien returns to review The Dark Knight Rises and to discuss the public reaction to the shootings. Discussion includes the following questions: -Do movies influence people? If so, are they influenced…
Bob critiques the doctrine of Predestination (Calvinism). Included are the 5 Points of Calvinism: T otal Depravity U nconditional Election L imited Atonement I rresistible Grace P erseverance of the Saints
Guest host, Mike Fredenburg interviews two Christian apologists (Kevin Conover, Ross Chenault) who are starting to work with Bob Siegel on a series of apologetics seminars. The need for today’s church to do a…
Bob continues responding to comments from a listener expressing an atheist view point.