Articles by Bob Siegel

Having A Meaningful Prayer Time

Repeat Broadcast: Original airdate: 1-29-17 Bob talks in depth about the importance of a regular, quality time of prayer with God, offering a combination of Scripture and personal disciplines that have worked in his life….

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Healing and Forgiveness For Same-Sex Relationships

Anne Paulk, Executive Director of Restored Hope Network  shares her own deliverance from a lesbian lifestyle and comments on the following: -Are people born gay or is it a learned behavior picked up in life sometimes due…

Texas and California: A Comparison

Co-host Jim Berrier, who grew up in San Diego but now lives in Texas, compares the two states including overtures about leaving the Union.   NOTE: (from Bob Siegel)  During Segment Three, while Jim and…

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The First 100 Days

  Co-host Mike Fredenburg joins Bob to review the first hundred days of the new Trump presidency. Topics include: -Mike’s suspicion that ISIS, rather than Syria used those recent chemical weapons -Bob’s feelings of contempt…

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Resurrection of Jesus: Fact of History!

  Repeat broadcast Original airdate: 3-20-16   Co-host Jim Berrier joins Bob for a discussion on the validity of the resurrection and its direct application in the lives of Christ’s followers.   To further study…

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Critique: President Trump and the Media

Bob offers his biting commentary on the non-stop rollercoaster ride of President Trump. Issues addressed: -The bombing of Syria in response to their gassings of children -Trump’s claim that the Obama administration “wire tapped” his…

Abortion: God Will Forgive You and Heal Your Hurt

  Dana Siegel guest hosts for Bob, talking about the love and forgiveness God offers toward women who feel guilt and brokenness due to having had an abortion. She shares some statistics about the emotional…

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True Christians and False Christians

  Co-host Greg Jarvis returns for the second week in a row to talk with Bob about self-centered (and self deceptive) approaches that people take toward their faith. What does it mean to have a…

Bob’s One-Man Dramatic Reading

  Written and performed by Bob Siegel Lots of comedy! Lots or drama! Come see Bob change his voice for every character!   Martha Flannery, an aggressive missionary, sets out for the Phrasian Islands to…

Is The Bible About God Or Is It About Me?

  Co-host Greg Jarvis joins Bob for a reflective conversation about the self -centeredness  which often gets into our faith. While the focus of God’s love throughout the Bible (and in our lives) is unconditional…


Aren’t All Religions Legitimate?

On a recent radio show, a question was put to me, a familiar question that Christian apologists hear quite often:   “Bob, I have a friend who insists that all religions are equally legitimate. He…

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Islam: Peaceful? Violent? Both?

  While many Muslims as individuals are wonderful people who do not believe in waging any kind of Jihad, Bob nevertheless shows a distinction between the commands of the Koran and the alternative interpretation (often…

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News That Will Always Be True

San Diego, February 14, 2017   And now the daily news from your ol’ pal Bob: In the news today: Trump said something and tweeted something. The mainstream media went ballistic and had a conniption…

Anti-Trump Protests: The “Tolerant” Left

  Bob critiques the paranoid and false accusations being leveled against newly elected President Donald Trump. Topics include: -Response to recent Executive Orders -The false narrative that the vetting of refugees is likened to Hitler…

Steps To Effective Prayer

Bob talks in depth about the importance of a regular, quality time of prayer with God, offering a combination of Scripture and personal disciplines that have worked in his life. NOTE: Tonight’s topic is a…