Articles by Bob Siegel

Special Seminar with Bob Siegel

The Hebrew Roots Movement and Replacement Theology: A Critique of Both Some Christians teach that God is done with the nation of Israel because we are living under the New Covenant of Christ. Supposedly, prophecies…

When Churches Compromise

Co-host Jim Berrier joins Bob for a discussion about our modern day churches, how far too often they model themselves after typical businesses rather than spiritual children of God. Compromises over the acceptance of sinful…

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He Has Risen! Therefore, So Will We!

Repeat broadcast Original airdate: 3-20-16   Co-host Jim Berrier joins Bob for a discussion on the validity of the resurrection and its direct application in the lives of Christ’s followers.   For more detail on…

Jews Following Jesus

Repeat broadcast: Original air date: 1-20-19 Over the air, Bob reads some comments about his conversion to Christianity out of Judaism, including comments from fellow Jews who insist that he is not Jewish anymore. Bob…

The Latest Insane Democratic Platform

Bob gives serious, passionate commentary on the ever leftward direction of  those Democrats seeking the presidency in 2020 including issues such as; late term abortion/infanticide, abolishing the electoral college, lowering the voting age, Supreme Court…

jesus cross

From Grief To Gladness

Dana Siegel guest hosts for Bob, talking about the love and forgiveness God offers toward women who feel guilt and brokenness due to having had an abortion. She shares some statistics about the emotional and…


Repeat broadcast: Original air date: 8-19-18   Bob’s guests are Charlotte Pardee, head of Ex-Mormons For Jesus, an organization which compassionately reaches out to Mormons, showing them the contradictions between Mormon doctrine and the Bible, and Barbara…

Compromised Democrats/Compromised Republicans

National Review contributor Mike Fredenburg joins Bob to comment on the news of the previous week including; the New Zealand shooting, the college entry scandals, the 12 GOP senators who voted with Democrats in an…

Israel Flag

The Mystery of Anti-Semitism

On the heels of a cowardly, watered down so-called “resolution” from Congress which was supposed to condemn anti-Semitism, Bob comments on all of the nuances in the news regarding this issue. He also takes a…

Hollywood Movies

Favorite Films and Film Actors

Co-host Jim Berrier joins Bob to talk about favorite movies and movie stars including, favorite film of all time and favorites in different categories such as western, science-fiction, musical, thriller, horror, comedy etc. Movies discussed…