Articles by Bob Siegel

disney castle

Woke Disney

Bob discusses a new Disney animated feature with a same sex kiss. Other Topics: Current Events: -The recent shooting at a Texas elementary school. Bible: Bob’s producer Brendan Thomas asks a series of important Bible…

The Love Of Money

Jim Berrier joins Bob to discuss an often misquoted passage of Scripture (1 Timothy 6:10). While there is nothing wrong with money itself, the LOVE of money has corrupted many issues and institutions, from abortion…

The Return Road To Election Integrity

Ruth Weiss of Election Integrity Project returns to discuss the forthcoming primaries and very specific things voters can do to insure that they’re own votes are honestly counted. She also mentions strategies at a national level for…


Is There Marriage in Heaven?

Will a husband and  wife remain married in heaven? This is but one of several interesting Bible questions on this week’s show. Other Questions: Does the Bible promote book burning? Why do Christians claim Jesus…

Hollywood Movies

Trouble In Hollywood

Jim Berrier joins Bob for a discussion of Hollywood today, from the recent Academy Awards controversy to “Woke Disney.” Other Topics: Current Events Governor Abbott’s decision to bus people who are in the country illegally…

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Popular Beliefs That Are Not True

Jim Berrier joins Bob to analyze popular, but untrue, sayings. Among other statements, critiques are offered for: “It’s good Karma or bad Karma.” “There’s a reason for everything.” “You can’t legislate morality.” Also, within the…

Forgiven and Set Free

Dana Siegel returns to discuss  her ministry which emphasizes healing and forgiveness related to people experiencing guilt over abortion. Info for the special weekend retreat Dana talked about over the air: Retreat – “From Grief to…

jesus cross

Film Review: The Robe (1953)

Brendan Thomas joins Bob to review the 1953 classic film about the death and resurrection of Christ, The Robe. This review begins about half way into the program.   Other Topics: Current Events: -The real…

The Bob Siegel Show Podcast: Monday-Friday

In addition to his continuing weekly broadcast  (1170 AM, 96.1 FM, The ANSWER) there is now a daily Bob Siegel Show Podcast on the CGM Radio Network. See ALL previous and current Bob Siegel Show…

The Lies Liberals Tell

Broadcast: 3-6-22 on 1170 AM, 96.1 FM, The ANSWER First podcast 3-7-22 on CGM Radio Network To listen to podcast version, click link below:   The Lies Liberals Tell

The Disappearing Hippocratic Oath

National Review contributor Mike Fredenburg talks about compromises doctors are being forced to make: Choosing between early remedies for Covid19 that have been proven effective, or losing their licenses, mostly to promote the vaccine as…

Religion and Politics in Sports

First broadcast: 2-6-22 on 1170 AM, 96.1 FM, The ANSWER First podcast: 2-7-22 on CGM Radio Network:   LISTEN TO PODCAST:   Religion and Politics in Sports -The Bob Siegel Show Ep 349

Interesting Bible Questions

Bob’s producer, Brendan Thomas returns with interesting Bible questions Questions include: -What does the Bible say about inter-racial marriage? -Does the Bible teach that it’s a sin to drink? -Are dinosaurs mentioned anywhere in Scripture?…