More Holiday Movie Reviews and Trivia

While Bob’s Top Ten Holiday Movies have been replayed annually at Christmas time, this new show goes beyond. Bob is joined by his wife Dana to talk about other popular and lessor known films, some with mixed reviews, others strongly recommended. In addition, Dana offers commentary on some of Bob’s established Top Ten with her take and quizzes the audience on Christmas trivia from holiday classics.

Movies include classics such as ScroogeA Christmas Story, and Home Alone, but also lessor talked about films: The Christmas ChroniclesJourney To BethlehemFred Claus, Jack Frost, Christmas With the Kranks, Yes Virginia, There is a Santa Claus and many more!

Extra: The Wizard of Oz! Why is it considered a Christmas movie? While Bob does not see this as a Christmas film he nevertheless takes advantage of this time of the year to critique the movie since it is seen so frequently at Christmastime.

After hearing Bob’s critique of Christmas movies, check out Bob’s own Christmas story, The Dangerous Christmas Ornament, a fun, adventurous novel that kids have not been able to put down and yet it teaches them Judeo-Christian values!

The Dangerous Christmas Ornament

The Dangerous Christmas Ornament

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