Bob’s latest nonfiction book, The Many Myths About Ministry, has just been published. Join us for a book signing and author reading.
Date: February 19, 2023
Time: 12:30 PM (Free lunch will be provided)
Place: Skyline Church, Room M1 (upper building)
Sponsored by Bob’s weekly Sunday Bible study class but open to guests for this special event.
Bob will read a few select sections from the book followed by audience Q and A.
Bob will also be on hand to sign copies. (Books will be available at cost and even the cost is only a suggested donation.)
Zoom option!!! This event is also being opened up virtually. On Zoom you can hear the author reading and participate with the live audience by asking your own questions: Sign on a few minutes before 12:30 Pacific Time
Join Zoom Meeting
Here is the book’s description as found on the back cover:
In Bob Siegel’s many years of interaction with skeptics, doubters and even seekers, he has found that the high majority of their problems with Christianity stem from previous church experience. What’s more, many of their concerns are valid and served as inspiration for this book. While defending the truth of the Bible and the importance of the Gospel message, Bob nevertheless takes an honest look at the way Christians interact with each other. From the larger issues of putting our leaders on a pedestal, to the unfair judging of the way another person worships, to the unsolicited advice which claims to have been “led by the Spirit of God,” this treatise will strike a cord of familiarity with anyone involved in church life. It is a call to lay aside the unimportant issues that distract us and return to the heart of Christian community.

The Many Myths About Ministry
by Bob Siegel | Dec 22, 2022
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