First broadcast: 5-31-20 (1170 AM, 96.1 FM The ANSWER)
First podcast: 6-1-20 (CGM Radio Network)
Click link to listen to podcast: Justice Held Hostage
Special Two Part Program:
Part One: Bob’s monologue
Part Two: Bob welcomes recurring guest, Mike Fredenburg, National Review contributor.
Both sections and the various topics within are united around the common themes of group deception, mind control, and justice turned upside down in America.
Specific Topics:
-What does the Bible teach about deception and mob mentality?
-Why Jesus used the analogy of sheep so often when discussing how God views people
-Congregating together in church: Commanded in Scripture
Current Events:
-Distinguishing between legitimate protests over the death of George Floyd and those who have hijacked the narrative
-How groups such as Anti-Fa seek to deceive the simple minded by hoping they will not look beyond a title: While the title stands for “Anti-Fascist” this organization is, in fact, a textbook definition of fascism, quite reminiscent of the kinds of organized violent strategy which in the past has brought deceptive revolution to countries, destroying their true Republics and replacing them with a police state, i.e. NAZI Germany.
-The Supreme Court’s tragic ruling against the 1st Amendment rights of churches to assemble as they see fit, apart from the whims of power hungry governors
-The irony of police being ordered to stand down in the midst of violent anarchy when only recently, so many innocent citizens were arrested, simply for wanting to reopen their businesses
-A balanced view of masks: when they are appropriate, when they are merely a badge of compliance
-The so-called “re-opening” of California beaches
-The popular, but, undeserved, reputation of New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo
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