April 25, 2019
While a year ago today, I decided to post it to my website.
From exactly one year ago today, originally written on Facebook Just a reminder that there are still other issues going on in the world, seemingly put on hold in the midst of the pandemic.
From Ilhan Omar: ” “Don’t they (Christians) know Jesus was a Palestinian?”
Whether this displays ignorance or just a downright lie, nobody knows. (I suspect ignorance.) But the outrageous inaccuracy does fit well with this congresswoman’s other recent choice morsels of “thought.”
Unfortunately, she did not invent this utter nonsense. The lie has been around a long time and is even presented to Middle East vacationers by some Palestinian tour guides.
Let’s be clear: While those of us who accept Jesus as Lord and Savior care more about His gospel and less about His race, (He could have been a Swede for all I’d care, just so long as He paid for my sins) there are still important reasons for challenging comments such as these:
1) Truth is important for truth’s sake
2) Her comment feeds into the dangerous anti-Semitic narrative that the Jews have no historical claim to the land called Israel.
In FACT: Jesus was Jewish, as were His original followers. So many Jews were in the early church that when the first Gentiles wanted to join, the apostles argued amongst themselves as to whether or not these Gentiles first needed to become Jewish and obey the Law of Moses.
Not only is this attested to by Jewish history, but Roman history as well.
During this era of Roman conquest, the Romans named the province “Judea,” a form of the word “Judah,” one of Israel’s tribes and the word from which we get the shortened “Jew,” (which entered the vernacular as a term for any Israelite.)
The ancient Roman historian Tacitus, while commenting on the execution of Jesus under Governor Pilate, says this trial took place in Judea.
For more about the historical revision of the Middle East, see my book, THE HOLOCAUST AGAINST ISRAEL:
The Holocaust Against Israel
Is it really true that there will be peace in the Middle East if we can just have a two state solution or are some people instead challenging Israel’s right to exist at all? Is…