The Hebrew Roots Movement and Replacement Theology: A Critique of Both
Some Christians teach that God is done with the nation of Israel because we are living under the New Covenant of Christ. Supposedly, prophecies about Jesus returning someday to rescue Israel as her Messiah are not to be taken literally. Instead, such prophecies are fulfilled in the “New Israel,” otherwise known as the church!
Other Christians take quite an opposite position. Not only do they insist that God is still working with the Jewish people, they even advocate a return to the Law of Moses and suggest that the original “Jewish roots” of the New Testament have been removed.
This event already took place on June 9, 2019. It was seminar and book signing for Bob’s latest publication: The Star and the Cross: A Match Made in Heaven, but Strained on Earth.
If you missed the seminar, the book is still available. See the link below.
In Bob Siegel’s latest book, Bob exposes both camps as extreme reactions to the extreme, showing how true Biblical teaching can be found in the middle. No, God is not done with Israel, but yes, we are living under a new covenant, not the old.

The Star and The Cross: A Match Made in Heaven but Strained on Earth