Does God Really Speak To Us Through Our Dreams?

The Bible is filled with instances of God communicating with His people through dreams. But how do we know when a dream is of God and not merely some random dream inasmuch as humans dream all of the time anyway? And assuming that a dream came from God, how do we establish its meaning? What steps toward accurate interpretation can be taken? This topic takes up the majority of the program.

Other Topics: (current events)

-The broken promises of the latest bill passed by a Republican House and Senate

-Advice for President Trump to refuse a Mueller interview

-Bob responds to an email question about the alleged hypocrisy of Evangelical Christians supporting Donald Trump, despite the sexual allegations.


As advertised on The Bob Siegel Show:


Push The Winds Around

Push The Winds Around

Push the Winds Around is a romance set in the context of science fiction. Dr. Brandon Kreger is given an opportunity of a lifetime: a psychologist’s dream. Through the usage of his physics professor friend’s time…

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