Joy Behar says it’s OK to believe in Jesus but claiming to hear Him talk to you is a sign of “mental illness.”
While she was specifically referring to our Vice-President, Joy’s insightful commentary has far deeper implications. It’s doubtful that she took the time to consider them: In one thoughtless, irresponsible comment, she accuses most of the New Testament writers (who claim to have both heard, seen and interacted with the resurrected Jesus) of being mentally ill. And what does this say of Jesus, who promised that His Spirit would come after He left and speak to the apostles? What does it say of Jesus when He said to Peter, “Flesh and blood did not reveal that to you, but rather, my Father who is in Heaven” (Matt 16).
Meanwhile, her words, if applied consistently, do not say much for Old Testament prophets either, prophets such as Moses, Jeremiah and virtually every author of the OT who also claimed to have heard directly from God. As a matter of fact, the very belief in a collection of writing called “scripture” is based upon the assumption that God spoke. Thus, one who says it is ok to “believe in Jesus ” is saying it is ok to believe in a God who at the very least spoke in the past, and such a person will have a difficult time explaining why this same God cannot or would not continue to speak.
While I will not accuse Miss Behar of being mentally ill herself, (extending far more grace to her then she is extending to Vice-President Pence) I will challenge her to at least ACTIVATE HER BRAIN on one or two occasions before activating her mouth. For one thing, the amount of proof that Joy or anybody has which concludes that God does not speak to people is ZERO!!! And the notion of a God who creates human beings with an ability to speak but who does not choose to speak Himself is rather flimsy philosophically. Certainly God is capable of doing anything we can do. Once we have established that he CAN talk, there is only one remaining question: What would be His reason for not talking? And when somebody claims that He has, what is the opposing evidence that He hasn’t?
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