The Melting Candle
Written and performed by Bob Siegel
A one-man dramatic reading
Lots of comedy! Lots of drama! Come see Bob change his voice for every character!
Free! No admission charge!
How would Jesus be treated if he walked amongst us today? Would we recognize Him or treat Him the way religious Pharisees and Sadducees of His own day did? In this fictitious parable, Brian Troy, (rumored to be Jesus Christ) is interviewed by four well known clergymen. THE MELTING CANDLE is a deep and penetrating look into the question of motive and ministry.
Bob Siegel wrote this drama back in the year 1985 but the story is timeless and has been performed by Bob over the years at churches and colleges.
“Bob Siegel’s play wouldn’t leave me alone for days.”
Campus Ambassador Summer Institute, Denver, Colorado
(Student response from premier performance)
Date and Time:
This event already happened on Sunday October 1, 2017 at Skyline Church. It was well attended and received very enthusiastic response.
If you missed the event: A published play script is available for The Melting Candle
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