Forefathers With Slaves: Saints, Devils, or Men?

white house

Virginia’s  protest controversy about the removal of a stature of Robert E. Lee is providing a slippery slope where people are also calling for statues of Jefferson and Washington to be torn down. This is the primary topic of today’s program.

Other topics:


-If the only reason a person rejects Christ is because there were legitimate doubts about Christ’s existence, will God take that into consideration?

-A continuation of last week’s discussion about the difference between sin and sin nature.


-The terror attack in Spain


As advertised on this week’s program:

Push The Winds Around

Push The Winds Around

Push the Winds Around is a romance set in the context of science fiction. Dr. Brandon Kreger is given an opportunity of a lifetime: a psychologist’s dream. Through the usage of his physics professor friend’s time…

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