Originally published by San Diego Rostra 1-23-17.
The inauguration finally happened. And with it, Americans are talking a lot about the future of America’s democracy. Actually, America was created as a republic but we do have elements of democracy baked in.
Speaking of democracy…..
Blocking the streets or trying to block events is NOT “democracy at work” as some of our so-called news outlets would have you believe.
Instead that is the suppression of free speech and freedom period!
As for breaking windows or setting cars on fire…That is not democracy either! Neither is shooting a person! All of which happened last weekend during the anti-Trump protests.
No kids, that is not democracy. That is anarchy. I know each word ends with a” y” but they are actually two different words and people should learn the difference.
Neither is it “democracy at work” when a sitting U.S. Congressman says he will not accept the election results.
Excuse the blunt observation of irony but AREN’T ELECTIONS ARE CENTRAL TO THE DEFINITION OF DEMOCRACY?
But then, Congressman John Lewis wasn’t alone. He was joined by; many others in Congress, many others in the elitist press, many others from Hillary’s campaign (although she herself has been smart enough to remain silent for now) and of course, last but certainly not least…that arsenal of wisdom otherwise known as Hollywood.
While different people have made different cases, often contradicting the arguments of those with similar goals, together they all blend in as one harmonious bag of wind.
If we were to gather up all these various people groups, synthesize their joint suggestions/accusations and boil it all into one big crock pot,
-boil it into one big crock pot, we are left with quite a tasty stew; a fabulous a rewriting of what happened in between November-January.
Of course, the narrative has remained fluid, as fluid as they would want us to believe our constitution is.
The chronology these past three months went something like this:
We were first treated to a sanctimonious lecture from Hillary the night of the third debate after moderator Chris Wallace asked Trump if he would concede the election should Hillary win. Undoubtedly, the question was asked because practically everyone in the media and the politician population (including Hillary) were sure SHE was going to win, despite the Wiki Leaks which showed; how crooked and corrupt she was, how crooked and corrupt her campaign was how crooked and corrupt the Democratic Party itself was.
We heard from the left:
“Nothing to see here!”
“That’s not news!”
“The American people don’t care.”
“The American people want us to move on.”
“The American people don’t care about her personal life. They American people only care about is the issues.”
And so….Confident that Hillary would win, it was incumbent upon Trump to prepare for his loss.
But when Trump gave a non-committal answer about conceding only if the election wasn’t rigged; Hillary was shocked! She expressed grave concern at the debate
She said, and I quote. “That’s horrifying!”
She went on to say:
“That’s not the way our democracy works. We’ve been around 240 years. We’ve had free and fair elections and we’ve accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them and that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election.”
Well you remember what happened next. She, not Trump was called upon to concede the election. She didn’t do it the first night. It took a phone call from President Obama, but she finally conceded…At least officially. Unofficially, her surrogates kept things open:
First we heard that tired drivel about how she won the popular vote
I’ve already explained in an article for CDN and on my radio show that our country was not taking a popular vote and if we had been, nobody knows what the results would have been. Both candidates would have campaigned differently and included additional states in their speaking schedules, despite the colors of blue or red. I won’t belabor the point.
But that was the first talking point from the left:
“Hillary won the popular vote”
At that time, journalists, Democratic pundits, college professors and actors offered lectures about how the that tired, outdated dinosaur, otherwise known as the ” Electoral College” should be retired.
Meanwhile, just in case we wanted to still take the Electoral College seriously… a recount was called for and eventually court ordered for those few blue states where Trump unexpectedly won but only by small margins. States where Hillary won in small margins were not recounted.
The idea apparently was that since the election results didn’t match the pre polling data, something wasn’t quite right. And should the recount discover that something had indeed gone array, well then, perhaps we would see that Hillary won the Electoral Vote too.. (And in that case, there would be nothing wrong with the Electoral College.)
But when they recounted, Trump still won. In fact, he won by a larger number! So that didn’t work!
Back to the drawing board!
Next we heard new lectures from Hollywood about how technically the members of the Electoral College could ignore the fact that even if there was no national popular vote, there was in fact a popular vote in each individual state which state electors could consider but also choose to dismiss. Now suddenly (as if the idea had never caught on before) Hollywood reminds us that our wise forefathers put the Electoral College into our system of government as a kind of failsafe so that our country is never ruled by a mob. After all, if a mob elects a maniac like Donald Trump, its voice does not deserve to be heard.
Hollywood reminds state electors that they have a chance to save our democratic republic, (by ignoring the democracy part of our democratic republic.)
It doesn’t work!
The Electoral College votes in December and Trump still wins.
So what’s next?
Well, don’t forget…Hillary won the popular vote!
Yeah! Let’s just pull that one out of the basement again! Yeah…Upon reflection….We were right the first time, let’s retire the Electoral College!
Oh yeah! And by the way, the Russians hacked the election results! Right? Well…OK..sure….Election machines are not hooked up to the Internet…But that WikiLeaks thing probably came from the Russians…And what was contained about Hillary influenced people…I mean, sure the content of those emails was all true..
But the public would have been better off not knowing! It merely gave us bad information about a candidate…Kind of like that video about Trump making lewd misogynist comments (held by the NBC for several months and released in a timely fashion) may have influenced some voters….And BTW… in the case of Trump, character DOES matter and the American people do care about that more than the issues. But let’s not go there! This was completely different! With WikiLeaks….Well…This was the Russians!”
What? You say that before we were going on and on about how the American people didn’t care what was in those Wiki Leaks? Well….Apparently they did care!
So in the end, yes the election was rigged!
Or…Maybe they should just give up…Like him or not (and I have been very critical of him myself) Donald Trump won the election. Time for people to deal with it.
This is Bob Siegel, making the obvious, obvious.
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