Technically, this is not a review, but some thoughts about what I am hoping the new Star Wars movie DOES NOT do. I will see the movie tonight and later write a review of what I actually saw. The following text was posted to my Facebook page on December 13 and read on my radio show that same evening:
I had not been too excited about the new Star Wars movies and for several reasons:
– Lucas said the story was over. So, if it is really over, why drag it on? Why have an Episode 7 if 6 was supposed to be the last? When such decisions are made purely for financial reasons, it becomes an illegitimate story.
-Although a new story with new characters placed in the Star Wars universe would be desirable, revisiting old characters portrayed by aging actors is seldom a good idea. How many television reunion specials have we cringed over? How often has the “reunion” ruined the original?
Having said that…..There is ONE glimmer of hope:
I noticed the other day for the first time that Laurence Kasdan wrote the script. He is the same one who wrote EMPIRE STRIKES BACK. Although he also wrote RETURN OF THE JEDI,( a movie with a great beginning, great ending, but no middle, a middle that was instead stuffed with teddy bears) that script was co-written by George Lucas who over the years has been the greatest asset and greatest liability to his own franchise.
But this time Kasdan co-writes with director J.J. Abrams who created LOST, the best television drama ever produced.
So….H O P E !!!!!!! Or….to put it in Star Wars lingo: A New Hope.
Hope that we won’t have to suffer through those predictable, obligatory scenes such as:
-Han and Leia being divorced but brought back together through some conflict adventure
-Han having a dis-functional relationship with grown offspring because he never paid them enough attention, missed their Space Scouts meeting or didn’t attend enough Meteorite Basket Ball Games.
I’m sure Kadsan himself is above such drivel, but alas, these decisions usually get made by executive producers who sit around big oak coffee tables saying “This plot device has been tested. This plot sells!”
And so….Cautiously optimistic: Come on Kasdan and Abrams. Don’t let us down. Don’t ruin the most creative franchise ever to grace motion pictures.