Originally published by Communities Digital News
SAN DIEGO, March 27, 2015 — Lately the world has been abuzz with the supposedly horrible words of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saying he would no longer support a separate Palestinian state.
If only he had! If only he had truly taken that position unequivocally instead of caving into pressure from any advisers who tell him Israel needs to kiss the behind of America’s Executive Order-in-Chief.
Unfortunately, Netanyahu’s words are somewhat up for interpretation.
For one thing, very shortly after his victory in the Israeli election Netanyahu, in the true spirit of politicians, came across as if he were attempting to walk his statement back by explaining to us what he truly meant.
At least, apparently so.
His defenders offer evidence that his original statement had been taken out of context.
The left-wing Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz, which opposes Netanyahu, reported his alleged comment with a provocative headline: ” Netanyahu: If I’m Elected, There Will Be No Palestinian State.”
But Breitbart.com put the situation in context by publishing the following:
“The interview in which Netanyahu expressed the much-misinterpreted remark took place with the conservative Israeli publication NRG. It also took place in Hebrew, a language virtually none of the members of the Western press read or speak; most simply took the Ha’aretz report and ran with it. Netanyahu was asked directly about whether his Bar-Ilan speech was ‘irrelevant.’ ”
Here is the actual statement as found in the interview:
NETANYAHU: I think anyone who is going to build a Palestinian state today will be freeing up space to give an attack area to radical Islam against Israel. This is the reality created here in recent years. Anyone who ignores this sticks his head in the sand. The left does this, burying its head in the sand again and again. We are realistic and understand…
NRG: If you are elected head of state, no Palestinian state will come to fruition?
Since then, Netanyahu has explained in detail to Fox New’s Megan Kelly that he was only talking about the current situation in which the Palestinians refuse to recognize Israel’s right to exist. He did not mean to suggest that this would be the situation for all time.
Whatever Netanyahu meant in his first interview, people are responding as if he said two different things.
The Obama administration, faced with the choice of Statement One or Statement Two, has made its decision with the enthusiasm of game show contestants:
“We’ll take Statement One for a hundred, Johnny.”
It’s as if they were looking for an excuse to do what Obama has been chomping at the bit to do right from the beginning: Sell Israel down the river.
Our president makes deals with Iran, the country which says there never was a holocaust, that supposedly it’s Jewish propaganda, but then goes on to say that actually, having a holocaust wouldn’t be a bad idea. They shamelessly declare that they want Israel wiped off the face of the map. They also chant “Death to America” even in the midst of American-Iranian deal making.
That doesn’t concern our president.
The Israeli prime minister comes to speak to the U.S. Congress. That concerns him. It concerns him so much he doesn’t even meet with the prime minister while he’s here.
And now, with so little love already lost between the president and the prime minister, Netanyahu’s statement about a two-state solution seems to give our administration an opportunity it was just salivating over.
In a press conference, White House press secretary Josh Earnest, when asked if they were going to accept Netanyahu’s second statement, brushed off such consideration and went back to the first statement, saying, “Words matter.”
As a result, there will be, on the part of the Obama administration, a reassessment of America’s relationship with Israel.
This may mean discontinuing the U.S. veto at the United Nations Security Council on Israel’s behalf.
Without the United States, our wonderful, ethical, moral United Nations will undoubtedly pass a resolution forcing Israel to return to its pre-1967 borders.
Normally a U.N. resolution isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. Iran certainly never loses any sleep over it. But the U.N. might just break tradition and enforce its piece of paper where Israel is concerned because the U.N. has a moral compass that seems to be nothing more than a Crackerjack prize.
That’s not to say that Obama’s press secretary’s profound news conference should be ignored:
Yes, Josh, Yes Mr. President… Words do matter!
Words like:
“If you like your health care you can keep it.”
And words from a president who admitted several times in the past that he didn’t have the power to single- handedly grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants under our Constitution and then decided to do so anyway.
Yes, words do matter, so here are some words to the wise for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:
Inasmuch as the Palestinians already turned down their own state offered in 1947 when the United Nations partitioned land between the Jews and the Arabs, and inasmuch as they refuse to recognize Israel’s right to even exist at all, perhaps you should quit qualifying your statement and instead double down.
Stop worrying if speaking the truth makes President Obama treat you like an enemy. That may actually work to your advantage. After all, these days, he treats his enemies better than his friends.
This is Bob Siegel, making the obvious, obvious.
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