Originally published by Communities Digital News
SAN DIEGO, February 5, 2015 — Never one to be shy about stating his opinions and convictions, Michael Moore has weighed in on the popular but controversial Clint Eastwood film, American Sniper.
A recent Tweet from Moore said:
Of course the Bible draws a distinction between cold blooded murder and killing as a means of protecting others from evil. But while people are perfectly free to debate both ethics and the interpretation of Scripture, Michael Moore’s consistency is the real issue here.
It is difficult to imagine how Moore might respond if a conservative asked what Jesus would say about the issue of abortion or same-sex marriage both of which are forbidden in the same Bible where Moore supposedly deciphers Jesus’ view of snipers.
When the Supreme Court ruled on the Defense of Marriage Act, Moore called it a “huge victory.”
As for abortion, Moore is also on record:
“Human life begins when the fetus can survive outside the womb…Some people, I guess, just like to be the uterus police, the bossypants of other women’s reproductive parts. And that has always struck me as really, really weird.”
If Moore sounds like he’s cherry picking his Jesus causes, keep in mind that this is nothing unusual. He’s simply figured out the rules. When the cause is liberal, invoking the Bible is fair game. When the cause is conservative, religion does not belong in the discussion.
Moore is in good company.
Secretary-of-State John Kerry sees the Bible as an ally on the issue of climate change:
“Our faiths are inextricably linked on any number of things that we must confront and deal with in policy concepts today. Our faiths are inextricably linked on the environment. For many of us, respect for God’s creation also translates into a duty to protect and sustain his first creation, Earth, the planet..Confronting climate change is, in the long run, one of the greatest challenges that we face, and you can see this duty or responsibility laid out in Scriptures clearly, beginning in Genesis. “
But during the 2004 presidential election, candidate John Kerry didn’t seem to think that religion should be related to public policy. Instead, he recited that tired drivel about being personally against abortion while remaining pro-choice as a public position.
In an interview with The Telegraph Herald in Dubuque Kerry had said,
“I oppose abortion, personally. I don’t like abortion. I believe life does begin at conception. But I can’t take my Catholic belief, my article of faith, and legislate it on a Protestant or a Jew or an atheist …who doesn’t share it. We have separation of church and state in the United States of America.”
Translation: He believes life begins at conception which means he believes abortion is murder, but as a public servant, he will do nothing to oppose such murder because that would bring religion into the mix.
And yet, during this very same election year, while courting the African-American vote in a speech at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church in Liberty City, Florida, Kerry quoted from the Bible saying “Faith without works is dead.” He also said “When I look around me in this country, I see a whole bunch of people who talk about faith, I see a whole bunch of people who put it out there, but I see an awful lot of deeds undone, I see a lot of work to be done in this country.”
Getting more specific, Kerry included civil rights as part of the religious cause. ”What’s on the ballot is the American dream, what’s on the ballot is what Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton marched for…We have an unfinished march in this nation.”
Of course, no discussion of political consistency would be complete without the words of Nancy Pelosi. While speaking to the Catholic Community Conference on the issue of illegal immigration, she said, “I would hope that there’s one thing that we can do working together as we go forward that speaks to what the Bible tells us about the dignity and worth of every person – and that is on the subject of immigration…Because I think the Church is going to have to play a very major role in how we, in how people are treated.”
Apparently the dignity and worth of unborn children is not to be included here, at least not as far as any legislation is concerned. Pelosi, also a practicing Catholic, parses her stance on abortion between personal conviction and public policy, just as Kerry does.
Despite this glaring hypocrisy, I as a conservative would never work against a liberal’s right to invoke religion, erroneous interpretation not withstanding.
All viewpoints and all laws are the result of somebody’s standard of morality. If not a Biblical standard, it would only be an atheist or humanist standard.
Do not let anybody get away with this nonsensical claim that religious people have less rights to be vocal on social issues or public policy than anyone else. Our forefathers created a law which forbade mandatory state church. They did not forbid Christians to act out their convictions in the world. It was never their intention to limit religious speech to boundaries within cathedral walls.
Religious rights and free speech rights are protected for everybody including, ironically, bags of wind like Michael Moore, John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi.
This is Bob Siegel, making the obvious, obvious.
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