Originally published by Communities Digital News
SAN DIEGO, October 11, 2014 — A series of murders that the Defense Department under our Commander-in-Chief, Barack Obama labeled “work place violence” is back in the news.
Recently, convicted Fort Hood killer, Nidal Hasan wrote a letter to Pope Francis talking positively about “jihad,” and going out of his way to identify himself with radical Islam. This is not the first time since the 2009 shooting spree that Hasan has described himself as a “Soldier of Allah.” A previous letter from Hasan was obtained by Fox News late in August, where he declared his allegiance to ISIS and its head, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
At Hasan’s request, his attorney John Galligan mailed a six-page, hand-written letter to the Vatican. A copy of the letter was given to Fox News. It is called “A Warning To Pope Francis, Members Of The Vatican, And Other Religious Leaders Around the World.”
In this correspondence, Hasan quotes from the Koran several times and offers bits of advice to “believers.”
In one section entitled “Jihad,” Hasan praises “the willingness to fight for All-Mighty Allah,” describing such battle as a test elevating the “mujahadeen” who “are encouraged to inspire the believers.” He also says “fighters … have a greater rank in the eyes of Allah than believers who don’t fight.”
There is no mention in his letter to the massacre at Fort Hood, a crime for which Hasan was found guilty on 13 counts of premeditated murder, and 31 counts of attempted murder.
Despite the conviction, despite the assertions of his belief by Hasan, the Ft. Hood shooting was not enough to be called an act of terrorism even though he shouted “Allah Akbar” while gunning down his victims.
At the moment, Hasan is on death row but his victims do not even qualify for the Purple Heart because supposedly this “work place” incident has nothing to do with any real war with militant Islam.
When asked to comment on his client’s latest letter to the Pope, John Galligan said it “underscores how much of his life, actions and mental thought process are driven by religious zeal. And it also reinforces my belief that the military judge committed reversible error by prohibiting Major Hasan from both testifying and arguing how his religious beliefs” motivated his actions during the shooting.”
Evidently Galligan had hoped Hasan could plead his case in court by justifying his actions as a defense of al-Qaeda against American aggressors.
Neal Sher, an attorney representing the families of the Fort Hood victims, says regarding Hasan, “His jihadist leanings and willingness to commit jihad were known for years before the 2009 atrocity… And ever since then, he has made it abundantly clear he believes in jihad and has attempted to justify the slaughter that took place at Fort Hood.”
Will this recent letter to the Pope in which Hasan openly declares himself a soldier of Islam contribute toward the Obama administration rethinking the Ft. Hood incident? Will the soldiers who died at the hands of a self confessed Jihadist finally receive the Purple Hearts they deserve?
Before venturing to answer, keep in mind the current track record of our president. When it comes to telling the truth, nobody is ever going to confuse Obama for George Washington.
This is the same man who said that if you like your doctor and health care provider, you can keep them.
This is also the same man who said that the 2012 attack against Americans in Benghazi was not an organized terrorist killing but rather spontaneous violence as the result of a video.
And when asked if the IRS is guilty of any corruption regarding the whole Lois Lerner/non profit fiasco, Obama said there was not even a “smidgen” of evidence even though supposedly, the investigation was still going on.
Declaring Ft. Hood’s shooting to be Islamic terror would mean that an act of terrorism happened in America under Obama’s watch. Admitting as much would not mean the president is personally culpable. It is impossible to stop every single act of terror. But Obama doesn’t seem to like admitting things even when he is not personally at fault, not if it contradicts any of his narratives or talking points such as having “al Qaeda on the run.” In this vein, there is some responsibility. By not calling things as they are, he is making it difficult to wage a war that we are a part of, like it or not.
To anyone interested in actual facts, this letter settles once and for all what was already obvious to any thinking person. The Ft. Hood attack was terrorism in the name of radical Islam. But don’t bet money on the Obama administration changing its story. You’d do better against a professional poker table in Las Vegas.
This is Bob Siegel, making the obvious, obvious.
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