Originally published by Communities Digital News
SAN DIEGO, October 2, 2014 — Once again there is horrific violence at the hands of a Muslim. Once again we are told that it is not an act of terrorism. Once again we are listening to self righteous, sanctimonious lectures which insist Islam really has nothing to do with this because it’s actually a very peaceful religion.
It’s time for our nation to confront this politically correct drivel and put it out in the pasture where it belongs.
According to police in Moore Oklahoma, Alton Nolen, after being fired from a food processing plant, attacked and killed another employee, Colleen Hufford. But apparently killing the poor woman was not enough. He also cut her head off with a knife. After this, he attacked another co-worker, Traci Johnson. He did not succeed in killing the second woman because he was shot by Mark Vaughn, a reserve deputy from the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s department. Conveniently, Mr. Vaughn was also the chief operating officer of Vaughan Foods which explains how he was on the scene.
Johnson and Nolen were both taken to the hospital but remained in stable condition.
The eerie coincidence of a beheading instantly brings to mind two Americans who were beheaded in the name of Islam by ISIS, along with an English and French citizen.
While gun control activists may be at a loss for words in the face of a gun coming to the rescue of a woman whose life was in danger by a weapon other than a gun, questions about the motive of the crime still leave plenty of room for liberal talking points
At first the incident was being described accurately. Local police seemed to simply call things as they saw them, pointing out that Nolen had been trying to convert his fellow workers to Islam. Everything changed when the federal government got involved. Federal law enforcement officials offered a more predictable interpretation, making it clear that the FBI has not as of yet found any link to terrorism.
No link to terrorism? Did we or did we not see a woman’s head cut off? Does the guy have to be a member of ISIS or al-Qaeda to qualify? Do we have to find a badge or a secret decoder ring before calling things what they are?
Ironically, these same officials informed The Washington Post that Nolen had recently converted to Islam and had a “provocative” Facebook page with a photo of Osama bin Laden.
I’m sure it’s a great comfort to Colleen Hufford’s loved ones if Nolen wasn’t actually connected to an honest-to-goodness terrorist organization.
More importantly, without that connection, the Obama administration will not be blamed for an act of terrorism on their watch. Nothing new here. The Obama administration is not to be blamed for anything these past seven years.
It is probably no surprise that the FBI, under the auspices of the Obama administration, would be reluctant to define this as an act of terrorism, particularly terrorism associated with Islam. After all, this is the same administration which called the Ft. Hood shootings “domestic violence” even though the killer, Nidal Malik Hasan, was a Muslim who shouted “Allah Akbar” while shooting thirteen people.
Although the FBI does define terrorism as an action aimed at scaring a civilian population, it also says “there is no single, universally accepted definition of terrorism.”
If that’s the case, perhaps a beheading in the name of Islam might just qualify. Besides, there may even be one or two scared people in Oklahoma after this incident. They probably don’t see beheadings every day.
MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry helped to alleviate such fears by bringing two Muslim comedians on her program, Dean Obeidallah and Negin Farsad.
Says Farsad in a tongue-in-cheek manner. “That’s the new stereotype. Pass it around. Muslims are hilarious.”
Yes, indeed. A good laugh is what our country needs right now. OK, so a woman was beheaded. That’s a tragedy, but for Pete’s sake, let’s lighten things up a little.
Not that Obeidallah and Farsad were there to do a stand up routine. They actually had a serious message to convey, namely that it is the “right wing media” who is “continuing the narrative” that Islam is responsible for what happened in Oklahoma.
Islam responsible? Where or where would anybody get an idea like that? If only the right-wing media could learn the nuances of the left-wing media.
Harris-Perry could show them how: “It is a story that I read as a workplace violence story,” she said, adding that Nolen’s faith is of no more significance than what she ate for breakfast that morning.
Let’s see if we can add up the logic here. The murder of Colleen Hufford should be called “work place violence.” Why? Because it happened in the work place. Therefore, we couldn’t possibly reach a more obvious conclusion.
True, with that same line of reasoning, it is just as obvious that Alton Nolen is a Muslim who tried to convert others at work and who has a picture of Osama bin Laden on his Facebook page. But alas, those details are sheer coincidence and only a bigoted “right winger” would point them out.
On the other hand, perhaps we can consider an alternative interpretation: Maybe the fact that militant Muslims have declared war on the United States means we really are at war with Muslims, not all Muslims, but certainly a significant number of them. Perhaps it doesn’t matter if they belong to ISIS, Hamas, or any other formal organization. What matters is that they are getting their marching orders from the Koran, be they organized or be they lone wolves.
Titles such as ISIS are too specific. Titles such as “extremists” are too broad. Even the term “terrorist” (the few times Obama actually uses it) is too broad. We are not at war with every terrorist organization in the world such as the IRA. We are at war with militant Islam.
Our failure to properly identify the enemy is a fatal one, for our enemy has certainly identified us. A canary might comfort herself by imagining that it was not really a cat who broke into her cage. The cat will eat her anyway, losing no sleep over what he was called.
This is Bob Siegel, making the obvious obvious.
Bob Siegel is a weekend radio talk show host on KCBQ and columnist. Details of his show can be found at www.bobsiegel.net.
The Washington Post and The Blaze contributed to the hard news portions of this article.
For more detail on the religion of Islam where Bob acknowledges peaceful Muslims who veer away from or reinterpret the clear Jihad commands of the Koran see Bob’s article for CDN Obama on ISIS: Is the Islamic State really unrelated to Islam?
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