Originally published by Communities Digital News
SAN DIEGO, July 30, 2014 —House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, took Democrats to task on Tuesday for insinuating that House Republicans want to impeach President Obama. Boehner described the rumor as “a scam started by Democrats at the White House.”
“This whole talk about impeachment is coming from the president’s own staff and coming from Democrats on Capitol Hill. Why? Because they’re trying to rally their people to give money and to show up in this year’s election,” Boehner explained.
He added, “We have no plans to impeach the president. We have no future plans.”
Democratic campaign organizations have barraged their base with emails warning about probable impeachment attempts and are using the rumor to raise money.
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) also sent reporters an email with a subject line reading “House Republicans Refuse to Rule Out Impeachment. ” This was literally minutes before Boehner spoke.
The strategy proved to be quite effective. $2.1 million in online donations were reported over the weekend
Boehner insists the talk is nothing but a political maneuver.
Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer agrees. While discussing the matter with Bret Baier on “Special Report,” Krauthammer described the suggestion that House Republicans want to impeach President Obama as a “concoction” of Democrats. He also called the Democrats “desperate.”
“They know that in 1998 the party was saved, the sixth year of an administration, it was saved by impeachment, overreaching on impeachment by Republicans, and this is a good issue, it’s a good way to raise money.”
But talking about impeachment may only be part of the Democratic strategy. Putting out bait could be the other piece. In the midst of all this impeachment talk, there’s a rumor afloat about another of President Obama’s infamous Executive Orders.
The exact plan is not yet known. But Obama has stated an intention to use his phone and pen on our immigration system.
After hearing that the Republican-controlled House would not go along with a comprehensive rewriting of U.S. immigration law this year, the President gave an impassioned speech, claiming he was ready “to do what Congress refuses to do, and fix as much of our immigration system as we can.”
Could this be a way of baiting Republicans into impeachment proceedings?
Conservative talk show host Michael Medved warns Republicans not to take any kind of bait at all. Like Krauthammer, he believes it will backfire and help Democrats hold on to the Senate this fall. He also thinks it will make things easier for future presidents to flex their muscles without fear of impeachment.
This makes a lot of sense.The Democratic trap is fairly obvious and Republicans would be wise to ignore all hooks in the water if they wish to win the political chess game going on.
But sadly, this ignores a rather big elephant in the room: President Obama deserves to be impeached many times over.
The attempt may be a disaster politically but sometimes people are called to simply do the right thing regardless of consequences.
Any one of Obama’s scandals and accompanying lies rise to the level of impeachable offense. Two irrefutable ones are the lie he told about being able to keep our own health insurance and the Benghazi video story, made up to win an election where he campaigned on the demise of Al-Qaeda.
But it’s not going to happen. Even if it were believed that the Senate would confirm a House impeachment vote, few Republicans want to go down in history as having impeached the first African-American President. This unique distinction has made Obama virtually invulnerable.
Some day people will remember Martin Luther King’s words about character being more important than skin color. History books will show how President Obama’s character came up short and stayed in power only because his adversaries were cowards; savoy political cowards perhaps, but cowards nevertheless.
This is Bob Siegel, making the obvious, obvious.
CBS News, Fox News and Time Magazine contributed to the hard new portion of this article.
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