Originally published by Communities Digital News
SAN DIEGO, June 19, 2014 — Republicans are confident that they will take back the Senate and hold on to the House during the 2014 mid term election. That may indeed happen, but those who think this election will signal a new day for Republicans should think again. Likewise, any who believe Obama’s presidency is about to implode, should stop, take a deep breath and reconsider the situation.
President Obama’s many scandals are given as the reason for his eventual demise, and the rise of the GOP, but the truth is, he is benefiting from a multiplicity of unflattering news stories.
That sounds counterintuitive, but it’s the truth. One juicy scandal, like Watergate, would have captivated the public’s attention far more easily. Simultaneous scandals generate diminishing returns as far as focus is concerned.
Problems under Obama’s watch are so numerous, who can even count them anymore?
There were his lies about keeping your health care coverage. There were forged records at the VA to cover up vets dying after being put on year-long waiting lists.
And speaking of lists, the list continues: Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS, AP, NSA, GSA, Solyndra, Sebelius and the Hatch Act, Rosengate.
Unfortunately for those who are anxious to see justice done, Obama’s symphony of cover ups comes with its own solution: Too many scandals make the public grow numb. Too many scandals make it look like one man could not possibly be responsible for all of them.
It is far easier to believe that Republicans just made them all up. Obama is aware of this perception and has responded by developing an effective repetitive pattern each time another shoe drops.
When something is first uncovered, he’s shocked. He’s flabbergasted. Why — he had no idea. A scandal? On his watch? Well, rest assured; he’s mad. Really mad. And he won’t stand for it. He’s going to look into it.
A few weeks later, when asked again about the situation at some press conference, Obama cannot comment because the matter is now “under investigation.”
Later on, when it comes up once again, the issue is dismissed. It’s either a “phony scandal” or something that doesn’t have even a “smidgen of evidence.” It’s still under investigation, but he already knows there isn’t a smidgen of evidence.
Why does Obama believe he can get away with this? Because he assumes that you are just that stupid. As evidence for his theory, he remembers that he was elected twice.
That’s not to say that Obama’s popularity isn’t suffering. The latest Rasmussen daily tracking poll shows only 47 percent of likely voters approving of his job performance with 52 percent disapproving.
Still, with all the dope that’s come out on this guy, it’s amazing that he holds on to almost half of the voters.
Scandal fatigue and apathy not withstanding, Republicans are still likely to take back the Senate this fall and hold on to the House.
This is because people are starting to experience Obama’s policies for themselves. Overseas terrorism or guns in Mexico may not affect most Americans personally, but when people lose jobs because Obama hates coal or loves energy regulations so voluminous they make the phone book look tiny; when they lose their health care because they trusted some silver-tongued con-artist, they may decide it couldn’t hurt to turn things over to the Republicans for a while.
But what difference will that make? While Republicans control Congress, Obama will still be in power another two years. If he wants a law that Congress refuses to pass, he’ll create the law by executive order. He’ll simply make it happen, and do it shamelessly. Then he’ll sleep well that night.
He’ll even give a little speech:
“I tried to work with the Republican Congress but they won’t cooperate. They are the do-nothing Republican Congress.”
This is his canned expression and it has served him well. Often you could hear people talking around the water cooler at work:
“At least the man is trying to do something. Better than doing nothing. Better than that do-nothing Congress.”
Perhaps a reminder is in order: Words such as “something” and “nothing” are neutral.
Whether or not the government should do something new depends on exactly what is planned.
Better to have a government that does nothing than a government that strips our freedom away a piece at a time.
Obama will be running things for the next two years, even after Republicans take back the Senate. For that reason, when 2016 rolls around, our country will be in even worse shape than it is now. Who will be blamed? Obama? Don’t count on it.
Hillary, while running for president — and her book tour confirms that this is exactly what she plans to do — will remind everybody that any problem with terrorism, health care, or jobs is a result of the people who were truly in power the previous two years: Republicans.
So don’t get too cocky, Republicans. Democrats know how to play the game better than you do. Their talking points may be predictable, but they are also effective. Without some savvy to counter their cleverness, the Obama/Hillary/Democratic machine will continue.
This is Bob Siegel, making the obvious, obvious.
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